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Koa IP Rate Limitation

IP rate limitation middleware for Koa


var ipRate = require('ip-rate')
var Koa = require('koa')

var app = new Koa()
  filter: function (ctx) {
    return !/^(127\.|10\.0\.)/i.test(ctx.ip)
  threshold: 2000,
  windowMs: 60000 // 1 minute



An optional function that checks the request to decide whether to limit. By default, it limits all requests.


The storage to use when persisting rate limit attempts. By default, the memory-store.js is used.

You may also create your own store. It must implement the following in order to function:

const MyCustomStore = () => {
   * Increments the value in the underlying store for the given key.
   * @method function
   * @param {string} key - The key to use as the unique identifier passed down from RateLimit.
   * @param {Function} cb - The callback issued when the underlying store is finished.
   * The callback should be called with three values:
   *  - error (usually null)
   *  - hitCount for this IP
   *  - resetTime - JS Date object
  this.increment = (key, cb) => {
    // increment storage
    cb(null, hits, resetTime);


Maximum allowed IPs per window. Default 1000 IPs or 1k.


The period of a window. Default 3600000 (1 hour).

Remote Address

If you are running your app behind nginx, enable app.proxy in your app:

app.proxy = true

Also set the X-Forwarded-For header in nginx:

location / {
    proxy_pass http://app;
    proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;