yarn add --dev bug-district
- Install @testing-library/dom.
- Create a file named "bug-district.ts" in your code and add the following contents to it:
import { initializeTestActions, ActionRunner } from 'bug-district';
import { screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/dom';
const actionRunners: ActionRunner[] = [
// An example of an action that checks if a text is on the screen.
id: 'check-text-is-visible-on-screen',
// A label to be shown in the test runner.
label: 'Check that text is visible on screen',
// Arguments that can be set in the test runner.
arguments: [{ id: 'text' }],
// The function that will run when the action is triggered.
run: async (data) => {
const { text } = data.args;
await waitFor(
async () => {
const element = await screen.findByText(text);
if (element == null) {
throw new Error(
'Could not find text "' + text + '" on the screen.'
// Initialize the actions that will run in your tests
initializeTestActions({ actions: actionRunners });
- Import
somewhere in your app:
import './bug-district'
- Run your localhost web server (e.g.
yarn dev
oryarn start
). - Login with your Github account on Bug District
- Go to the Github repo that you want to add tests to on Bug District, then select a branch (e.g. master)
- Add a test case on Bug District
- Add actions and run your test case!
NOTE: You must use Chrome to run the tests on Bug District. You will also need to enable "Insecure origins treated as secure". Navigate to chrome://flags/ to enable the option.
To run all of your tests, add the following script to your "package.json" file.
"run-ui-tests": "node ./node_modules/bug-district/dist/runTestSuite.js ./ui-tester-test-suite.json PORT"
Replace PORT
with your localhost post where your website runs (e.g. 3000
). If the parth the the node_modules or the test-suite needs to be changed, then make sure to change it in the script.
You can then run the script like this:
yarn run-ui-tests