This repository is the Stregsystemet CLI, to buy things in Stregsystemet, at AAU. Use of this cli-tool is at your own risk and there will be no support guarranteed. Either try to resolve the issue yourself and submit a PR or write an issue.
The CLI is a python script that relies on no external dependendencies except requests
and urllib3
. The script is tested with python 3.9
To install the script, simply cURL
or wget
it from GitHub
### For quick setup ON LINUX
wget -O "$HOME/.local/bin/sts" # To download the script
chmod u+rwx "$HOME/.local/bin/sts" # For permission
sts -s # For setup
### For general purpose
wget -O sts
Using the CLI in Powershell can be made easier by running the setup script, you can wget it.
Installing it as a package in nix.
environment.systemPackages = [
(import (fetchTarball "") {})
$ sts -h
usage: sts [-h] [-u [USER]] [-i [ITEM]] [-c [COUNT]] [-b] [-l] [-p MONEY] [-a] [-o] [-s] [product]
positional arguments:
product Specifies the product to buy
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u [USER], --user [USER]
Specifies your Stregsystem username
-i [ITEM], --item [ITEM]
Specifies the item you wish to buy
-c [COUNT], --count [COUNT]
Specifies the amount of items you wish to buy
-b, --balance Output only stregdollar balance
-l, --history Shows your recent purchases
-p MONEY, --mobilepay MONEY
Provides a QR code to insert money into your account
-a, --update Update the script and then exists
-o, --shorthands Shows shorthands
-s, --setup Creates a .sts at /home/<user> storing your account username
If either the user or item arguments or no arguments at all are specified the CLI will enter interactive mode.
The script also keeps track of your balance and what items are available in Stregsystemet.
Contributions are welcome!
Feel free to fork the project and create a pull request. To get started with a development environment of Stregsystemet, go to the official Stregsystemet repository