This project has been archived due to the lack of activity.
Feel free to fork and do any changes or continue supporting it by yourself, but please keep the license and copyright notices.
Miguel, author of the project.
Sample Android App to access Discogs API.
This app performs basic REST call to obtain a public list of records from Discogs API, with the idea to test and showcase some Android architecture and coding patterns.
- Kotlin.
- Coroutines.
- Dependency injection with Koin.
- Retrofit + Moshi.
- Architecture Components.
- Modularization.
- Unit Testing.
- Instrumentation Testing with Espresso.
- app (App and MainActivity; Android)
- api (Retrofit Service; Kotlin)
- common-domain (Kotlin)
- collection
| - collection-ui (Fragment and ViewModel; Android)
| - collection-data (Use case; Kotlin)
startKoin(this, listOf(
private val viewModel: CollectionViewModel by viewModel()
fun getCollectionItemsByFolder(
@Path("username") username: String,
@Path("folder_id") folderId: String,
@Query("page") page: Int,
@Query("per_page") perPage: Int
) : Deferred<Response<CollectionItemsByFolderResponse>>
private suspend fun requestItems(
folder: String,
page: Int
): Response<CollectionItemsByFolderResponse> {
return discogsService.getCollectionItemsByFolder(
username = "mike513",
folderId = folder,
page = page,
perPage = PAGE_SIZE
every {
username = "mike513",
folderId = "0",
page = 1,
perPage = 20
} returns CompletableDeferred(
loadingJob = launch(dispatcher) {
val result = collectionUseCase.getCollectionPage("0", page)
when (result) {
is Either.Left -> Log.e("CollectionViewModel", result.a)
is Either.Right -> {
pages[page] =
nextPage = result.b.nextPage
val viewModel = CollectionViewModel(
collectionUseCase = useCase,
dispatcher = Dispatchers.Unconfined
val data = viewModel.liveData.value!!
assertEquals(1, data.size)
val item = data[0] as CollectionItem.AlbumItem
assertEquals(album, item.album)
fun load_single_item_page() {
// Mock the use case to return a single item
val collectionUseCase = mockUseCaseForSingleItem()
// Configure dependency injection to provide ViewModel with Use Case
// Launch Fragment in a Test Activity
// Assert Album title is displayed in the list
Android Architecute Sample Copyright (C) 2018 Miguel Beltran Febrer
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions.