Authors: DΓ nae Canillas, Miquel Escobar, Arnau Soler
2020-2021 Q1 - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC
In this project, we are asked to implement a recommendation system for the visitors of an artmuseum. The reason for this is that the amount of artworks to see in this museum is humongous,and thus the visitors must prioritize and decide which artworks will they want to see, and howmuch time will they want to spend on each of them. Obviously, each visitor or visiting group will have their own characteristics (demographics, nationality, age, group size, art knowledge,etc.) and consequently they will have a preferred route and artworks.
ββ experiments
β ββ Experiment_1.txt
β ββ Experiment_2.txt
β ββ Experiment_3.txt
β ββ Experiment_4.txt
β ββ Experiment_5.txt
β ββ Experiment_6.txt
β ββ Experiment_6_Extra.txt
ββ data
β ββ artists.csv
β ββ artworks.csv
β ββ sales.csv
ββ python
β ββ
β ββ
ββ ontology
β ββ ontology.clp
β ββ ontology.owl
ββ SBC-20211q.pdf
ββ Report.pdf
ββ museum.clp
CLIPS> (load "museum.clp")
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
- - - - - -
( M | U | S | E | U | M )
- - - - - -
Benvingut al nostre sistema de recomanacio de visites!
Si us plau, contesti les preguntes que venen a continuacio per tal d'oferir-vos un tour pel nostre museu.
: Answer the questions to personalize the museum tour -
: Tour suggestion.
MIT Β© DΓ nae/Miquel/Arnau