An IdlingResource
and a TestRule
that keep espresso busy while
at least one view matches a Matcher<View>
Sometimes it's too hard or complicated to set up IdlingResource
s to let espresso know
when your app is busy.
In a lot of those cases there may also be a visual indicator on screen.
You can use this library to mark the presence of the indicator as a hint that espresso should wait.
That indicator can be whatever view or hierarchy you want as long as you can describe it
as a Matcher<View>
In your root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
In your app build.gradle
dependencies {
androidTestImplementation "com.github.mirceanis:view-matching-idler:0.1"
It can be used as a TestRule
or, if you want more granular control over it, as an IdlingResource
Here's an example that makes espresso wait as long as the "loading" text is visible:
//simply declare it in your test class:
val viewMatcherIdlingRule = ViewMatcherIdlingRule(
//be sure to customize the blocking view matcher based on your case
allOf(withText("loading"), isDisplayed())
fun myFancyTest() {
//normal espresso testing, but espresso will wait while the view matcher condition is met
Here's an example that makes espresso wait as long as the "loading" text is visible:
fun someTestMethod() {
//... some testing
//This will keep espresso busy while at least one view matches this matcher
val idler = ViewMatcherIdler(allOf(withText("loading"), isDisplayed()))
//... some more testing, but now espresso waits
//... during the times the matcher from above matches a view
Check out the sample app included in this repo for a practical example.
The best way to contribute to this is to use it and find issues. PRs welcome.
You agree to be a nice person.