A clean and colorful UI theme
based on the IBM Design Language Color Library
Font: Hack 12px
Positron is a clean and colorful theme for numerous terminals and editors, such as Terminal, iTerm 2, Hyper, VS Code, Atom, vim or mutt (at least it will be).
Since I'm restricted to macOS, feel free to contribute by forking and/ or sending pull requests with ports for other applications.
The color scheme is based on the IBM Design Language Color Library and corresponds to their Color Guidelines. Please have a look at the color scheme below, if you want use it for your own port.
Have fun with a (hopefully) unified experience in your favorite applications!
Black | Red | Green | Yellow | Blue | Magenta | Cyan | White | |
Normal | #000000 |
#e62325 |
#34bc6e |
#ffb000 |
#2d74da |
#ff509e |
#00a78f |
#c0bfc0 |
Light | #595859 |
#ff806c |
#95d13c |
#ffd191 |
#71cddd |
#f87eac |
#40d5bb |
#ffffff |
Background | Foreground | Selection | Sel. Text | Bold Text | Link | Cursor |
#1b2834 [90] |
White | BlackLight | WhiteLight | WhiteLight | Blue | Magenta |
- macOS Terminal
- iTerm 2
- Hyper
- Visual Studio Code
- Atom
- Sublime Text
- Brackets
- (Neo-)Vim
- Tmux
- (Neo-)Mutt
- Calcurse
Please report issues/bugs, feature requests and suggestions for improvements to the issue tracker.