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MineItRiGrEight's Neovim configuration



  • Neovim >= 0.10
  • ripgrep
  • fd
  • Node.js
  • tree-sitter-cli (only necessary when auto_install is set to true in core.plugins.treesitter.opts)
  • font with icons and Powerline glyphs (for example JetBrains Mono)

Installation of the prerequisites except Node.js, tree-sitter-cli and font on macOS (and Linux, probably) with Homebrew

brew install neovim ripgrep fd

Installation of Node.js

Via Node Version Manager (recommended)

Installation of JetBrains Mono on Linux and macOS

  1. Go to JetBrains Mono's website and download the font
  2. Extract the archive to ~/.local/share/fonts/
  3. Run fc-cache -f -v to refresh your font cache
  4. Set the font of your terminal emulator to JetBrains Mono

Installation of tree-sitter-cli

npm install tree-sitter-cli


Standalone (to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim, as a normal Neovim config)

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  2. Copy the template init.lua (init.lua.tpl) to init.lua

    cd ~/.config/nvim
    cp init.lua.tpl init.lua
  3. Launch Neovim

  4. Exit Neovim

Default configuration

  standalone = true,
  notes_dir = "~/Nextcloud/notes", -- The notes dir, only used for the
}                                  -- `<Leader>fn` keybind


Use <Leader>kf (default <Leader> is space) to see all keybinds.

Note: This Neovim config uses kak.nvim, so it has Kakoune-like keybinds.