WeatherFlix is an in-broswer app that presents the user with movie suggestions. The user will provide input for their mood and their current location. The application will then suggest movies for the user to choose from.
The WeatherFlix app was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. JQuery and Bulma were used to enhance functionality and appearance.
Third-party APIs were used for data on weather and movies. The weather, based on location, comes from the OpenWeatherMap API. Data about movies (including the title, plot, year produced, and a poster image) use the OMDB API. The list of movies by genre is complied using data from The MovieDB API.
As a movie lover, I want customized movie suggestions
SO THAT I can achieve a desired mood.
GIVEN a functional dashboard
WHEN I search for a city.
THEN I am presented with the current weather condition.
WHEN weather conditions appear
THEN I am presented with genres.
WHEN I click ‘submit’
THEN I am presented with several movie posters.
WeatherFlix is an app that runs in the browser. Weather data is based on user input. The user will also select a mood.
Henry Aldous, Katie Devinney, Cigi Tipton