- Notebook Link: https://github.com/mishra-atul5001/udacity-DS-nano-degree/blob/main/World%20Energy%20Consumption.ipynb
- Blog Link: https://medium.com/@mishra5001/quick-ml-hands-on-time-series-eda-5be93eeda4ae
- Introductory aproach towards Data Science CRISP-DM Framework in pratical use. This project enlightens towards the technology and how the same could be used to solve a real world problem of Diabetes.
- sklearn -> For Modelling and evaluating Model performance
- pandas | numpy -> For data loading and Manipulation to make it modelling ready.
- seaborn | matplotlib -> For vizualization purpose.
- fbprophet -> Time Series Modelling
- Ipynb notebook demonstrating the project problem statement and respective approach + solution
- CSV file containing dataset
- ZIP file containing the dataset CSV.
- Repo link: https://github.com/mishra-atul5001/udacity-DS-nano-degree/tree/main/Disaster-Response-Pipeline
- Introductory aproach towards Data Science modelling including Pre-processing and Modelling of a Natural Language Processing problem Statement
- Repo link: https://github.com/mishra-atul5001/udacity-DS-nano-degree/tree/main/Capstone%20Project
- Blog Link: https://medium.com/@mishra5001/twitter-sentiment-extraction-spacy-ner-3ddd323c6b2e
- Finding words or phrases influencing SENTIMENTs. Textual data with NER entities and Spacy modelling