Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) allow for detecting malicious activities in organizational networks and hosts. As the Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT) has gained momentum and attackers become process-aware, it elevates the focus on anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) in IoT. While previous research has primarily concentrated on fortifying SCADA systems with NIDS, keeping track of the latest advancements in resource-efficient messaging (e.g., MQTT, CoAP, and OPC-UA) is paramount. In our work, we straightforwardly derive IoT processes for NIDS using distributed tracing and process mining. We introduce a pioneering framework called MISSION which effectively captures, consolidates, and models MQTT flows, leading to a heightened process awareness in NIDS. Through our prototypical implementation, we demonstrate exceptional performance and high-quality models. Moreover, our experiments provide empirical evidence for rediscovering pre-defined processes and successfully detecting two distinct MQTT attacks in a simulated IoT network.
This repository benchmarks MISSION using linear regressions. The benchmark involves four main performance indicators: throughput, latency, CPU, and RAM. The benchmark process and theory is grounded on the theory from Sedlmeir et al. (2021). The overall objective is the identification of the sustainable throughput.
As long as the frequency of requests equals the frequency of responses, the throughput is sustainable.
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from collections import namedtuple
# adopted from
def plot_chart(runs,qos):
base_size = 8
nice_fonts = {
"text.usetex": False,
"axes.labelsize": base_size + 2,
"font.size": base_size + 2,
"legend.fontsize": base_size,
"xtick.labelsize": base_size + 2,
"ytick.labelsize": base_size + 2
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10.4, 4
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax1 = plt.gca()
lns = []
ax1.set_xlabel("Request rate (flows/s)", labelpad=5)
ax1.set_ylabel("Response rate (flows/s)", labelpad=10)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel("Latency $l$ (s)", labelpad=10)
ax3 = ax1.twinx()
lns = lns + ax1.plot(runs['request_slope'], runs['response_slope'], color="darkgreen", label="throughput", marker="o")
lns = lns + ax2.plot(runs['request_slope'], np.array(runs['latency_mean']).astype(int) / 1000, color="deepskyblue", label="latency", linestyle="--", marker="d")
lns = lns + ax3.plot(runs['request_slope'], np.array(runs['cpu_mean']), color="red", label="max. CPU", linestyle="--", marker=">")
lns = lns + ax3.plot(runs['request_slope'], np.array(runs['ram_mean']), color="yellow", label="max. RAM", linestyle="--", marker=">")
ax3.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=102)
ax3.set_ylabel("RAM, CPU usage (\%)")
ax3.spines['right'].set_position(("outward", 60))
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax1.legend(lns, labs, loc="upper left")
ax1.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
ax3.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
plt.savefig(f"charts/chart-{qos}.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
def get_run(file_name):
df = pd.read_csv(file_name)
# convert latency to seconds
df['latency_client_sniff'] = pd.to_datetime(df['latency_client_sniff']).apply(lambda x: round(((x.minute*60*1e6) + (x.second*1e6) +(x.microsecond))/1e6,2))
# prepare request data frame for linear regression
df['client_send_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['client_send_time'])
df['time'] = df['client_send_time'].apply(lambda x: round(((x.second - df['client_send_time'][0].second) *1e6 + (x.microsecond - df['client_send_time'][0].microsecond))/1e6,4) if (((x.second*1e6 +x.microsecond)/1e6)- ((df['client_send_time'][0].second*1e6 +df['client_send_time'][0].microsecond)/1e6)) >= 0 else round(((x.second+60 - df['client_send_time'][0].second) *1e6 +(x.microsecond - df['client_send_time'][0].microsecond))/1e6,4))
df['flows'] = pd.Series([x +1 for x in range(len(df.index))])
df_request_time = pd.DataFrame({'time': df['time'],'flows': df['flows']})
# prepare response data frame for linear regression
df['export_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['export_time'])
df['time'] = df['export_time'].apply(lambda x: round(((x.second+x.minute*60 - df['export_time'][0].second-df['export_time'][0].minute*60) *1e6 + (x.microsecond - df['export_time'][0].microsecond))/1e6,4) if ((((x.second+60*x.minute)*1e6 +x.microsecond)/1e6)- (((df['export_time'][0].second+60*df['export_time'][0].minute)*1e6 +df['export_time'][0].microsecond)/1e6)) >= 0 else round((((x.second+60*x.minute) - (df['export_time'][0].second+60*df['export_time'][0].minute)) *1e6 +(x.microsecond - df['export_time'][0].microsecond))/1e6,4))
df['time'] = df['time'] + df["latency_client_sniff"]
df['flows'] = pd.Series([x +1 for x in range(len(df.index))])
df_export_time = pd.DataFrame({'time': df['time'],'flows': df['flows']})
# linear regression to get the slope of the request
X = df_request_time['time'].values.reshape(-1, 1) # values converts it into a numpy array
Y = df_request_time['flows'].values.reshape(-1, 1) # -1 means that calculate the dimension of rows, but have 1 column
linear_regressor1 = LinearRegression() # create object for the class, Y) # perform linear regression
Y_pred = linear_regressor1.predict(X)
# linear regression to get the slope of the response
X = df_export_time['time'].values.reshape(-1, 1) # values converts it into a numpy array
Y = df_export_time['flows'].values.reshape(-1, 1) # -1 means that calculate the dimension of rows, but have 1 column
linear_regressor2 = LinearRegression() # create object for the class, Y) # perform linear regression
Y_pred = linear_regressor2.predict(X)
# values of interest
Run = namedtuple('Run', ['request_slope','response_slope','latency_mean','cpu_mean','ram_mean','index'])
cpu_mean = round(df["cpu_percent"].mean(),2)
ram_mean = round(df["memory_percent"].mean(),2)
latency_mean = round(df["latency_client_sniff"].mean(),2)
request_slope = round(linear_regressor1.coef_[0][0],4)
response_slope = round(linear_regressor2.coef_[0][0],4)
return Run(request_slope=request_slope,response_slope=response_slope,
# QoS 0
counter = 1
qos = "qos=0"
runs = []
for x in range(1,19):
run = get_run(f"data/{qos}/probe_10^{counter}.csv")
print(f"Experiment {qos}: {counter*10} flows/s, data points: {run.index}, CPU: {run.cpu_mean}%, RAM: {run.ram_mean}%, latency: {run.latency_mean}s/flow, coordinate: ({run.request_slope},{run.response_slope})")
counter = counter + 1
df = pd.DataFrame(runs, columns=['request_slope','response_slope','latency_mean','cpu_mean','ram_mean',"index"])
Experiment qos=0: 10 flows/s, data points: 600, CPU: 17.27%, RAM: 11.29%, latency: 0.55s/flow, coordinate: (9.8979,9.8771)
Experiment qos=0: 20 flows/s, data points: 1175, CPU: 18.16%, RAM: 11.45%, latency: 0.56s/flow, coordinate: (19.4954,19.4961)
Experiment qos=0: 30 flows/s, data points: 1762, CPU: 18.21%, RAM: 11.59%, latency: 0.6s/flow, coordinate: (29.2591,29.2457)
Experiment qos=0: 40 flows/s, data points: 2308, CPU: 19.02%, RAM: 11.6%, latency: 0.61s/flow, coordinate: (38.3651,38.3927)
Experiment qos=0: 50 flows/s, data points: 2846, CPU: 19.43%, RAM: 11.53%, latency: 0.64s/flow, coordinate: (47.39,47.3933)
Experiment qos=0: 60 flows/s, data points: 3345, CPU: 19.72%, RAM: 11.82%, latency: 0.68s/flow, coordinate: (55.6382,55.6669)
Experiment qos=0: 70 flows/s, data points: 3998, CPU: 19.54%, RAM: 11.91%, latency: 0.7s/flow, coordinate: (66.5123,66.4994)
Experiment qos=0: 80 flows/s, data points: 4630, CPU: 19.76%, RAM: 12.06%, latency: 0.74s/flow, coordinate: (77.1454,77.1088)
Experiment qos=0: 90 flows/s, data points: 5034, CPU: 19.88%, RAM: 12.24%, latency: 0.76s/flow, coordinate: (83.8949,83.9011)
Experiment qos=0: 100 flows/s, data points: 5480, CPU: 20.38%, RAM: 12.44%, latency: 0.81s/flow, coordinate: (91.3448,91.1126)
Experiment qos=0: 110 flows/s, data points: 6049, CPU: 20.21%, RAM: 12.64%, latency: 2.98s/flow, coordinate: (100.5964,88.1082)
Experiment qos=0: 120 flows/s, data points: 6736, CPU: 20.18%, RAM: 12.93%, latency: 6.73s/flow, coordinate: (112.122,83.1172)
Experiment qos=0: 130 flows/s, data points: 6721, CPU: 20.15%, RAM: 13.16%, latency: 5.81s/flow, coordinate: (111.8792,83.656)
Experiment qos=0: 140 flows/s, data points: 7608, CPU: 20.22%, RAM: 13.4%, latency: 9.54s/flow, coordinate: (126.7778,80.2565)
Experiment qos=0: 150 flows/s, data points: 7596, CPU: 20.49%, RAM: 13.63%, latency: 11.9s/flow, coordinate: (126.6296,80.3872)
Experiment qos=0: 160 flows/s, data points: 8710, CPU: 20.5%, RAM: 13.91%, latency: 18.9s/flow, coordinate: (145.2829,77.1242)
Experiment qos=0: 170 flows/s, data points: 8736, CPU: 20.37%, RAM: 14.16%, latency: 30.72s/flow, coordinate: (145.319,78.5671)
Experiment qos=0: 180 flows/s, data points: 8703, CPU: 20.24%, RAM: 14.38%, latency: 42.91s/flow, coordinate: (145.0656,81.359)
# QoS 1
counter = 1
qos = "qos=1"
runs = []
for x in range(1,19):
run = get_run(f"data/{qos}/probe_10^{counter}.csv")
print(f"Experiment {qos}: {counter*10} flows/s, CPU: {run.cpu_mean}%, RAM: {run.ram_mean}%, latency: {run.latency_mean}s/flow, coordinate: ({run.request_slope},{run.response_slope})")
counter = counter + 1
df = pd.DataFrame(runs, columns=['request_slope','response_slope','latency_mean','cpu_mean','ram_mean',"index"])
Experiment qos=1: 10 flows/s, CPU: 17.2%, RAM: 12.27%, latency: 0.58s/flow, coordinate: (9.8821,9.8637)
Experiment qos=1: 20 flows/s, CPU: 17.57%, RAM: 12.44%, latency: 0.51s/flow, coordinate: (19.5255,19.4155)
Experiment qos=1: 30 flows/s, CPU: 18.39%, RAM: 12.47%, latency: 0.62s/flow, coordinate: (29.1856,29.2022)
Experiment qos=1: 40 flows/s, CPU: 18.93%, RAM: 12.58%, latency: 0.65s/flow, coordinate: (38.071,37.9711)
Experiment qos=1: 50 flows/s, CPU: 18.99%, RAM: 12.53%, latency: 0.69s/flow, coordinate: (47.1158,47.1115)
Experiment qos=1: 60 flows/s, CPU: 19.54%, RAM: 12.68%, latency: 0.73s/flow, coordinate: (55.3643,55.3371)
Experiment qos=1: 70 flows/s, CPU: 19.79%, RAM: 12.68%, latency: 0.77s/flow, coordinate: (66.7474,66.7441)
Experiment qos=1: 80 flows/s, CPU: 19.86%, RAM: 12.83%, latency: 2.41s/flow, coordinate: (77.2713,69.973)
Experiment qos=1: 90 flows/s, CPU: 20.0%, RAM: 12.95%, latency: 4.33s/flow, coordinate: (84.075,67.78)
Experiment qos=1: 100 flows/s, CPU: 19.88%, RAM: 13.12%, latency: 7.9s/flow, coordinate: (91.7383,61.317)
Experiment qos=1: 110 flows/s, CPU: 19.92%, RAM: 13.29%, latency: 11.48s/flow, coordinate: (101.5982,59.848)
Experiment qos=1: 120 flows/s, CPU: 20.05%, RAM: 13.46%, latency: 19.03s/flow, coordinate: (112.9605,60.3071)
Experiment qos=1: 130 flows/s, CPU: 19.98%, RAM: 13.66%, latency: 29.71s/flow, coordinate: (112.9335,61.2211)
Experiment qos=1: 140 flows/s, CPU: 20.01%, RAM: 13.87%, latency: 45.09s/flow, coordinate: (127.5013,59.792)
Experiment qos=1: 150 flows/s, CPU: 20.09%, RAM: 14.08%, latency: 65.44s/flow, coordinate: (127.5738,59.3235)
Experiment qos=1: 160 flows/s, CPU: 19.93%, RAM: 14.31%, latency: 91.9s/flow, coordinate: (145.5711,55.9333)
Experiment qos=1: 170 flows/s, CPU: 20.14%, RAM: 14.61%, latency: 124.02s/flow, coordinate: (145.9737,56.3283)
Experiment qos=1: 180 flows/s, CPU: 19.96%, RAM: 14.91%, latency: 156.7s/flow, coordinate: (146.3842,56.8455)
# QoS 1
counter = 1
qos = "qos=2"
runs = []
for x in range(1,15):
run = get_run(f"data/{qos}/probe_10^{counter}.csv")
print(f"Experiment {qos}: {counter*10} flows/s, CPU: {run.cpu_mean}%, RAM: {run.ram_mean}%, latency: {run.latency_mean}s/flow, coordinate: ({run.request_slope},{run.response_slope})")
counter = counter + 1
df = pd.DataFrame(runs, columns=['request_slope','response_slope','latency_mean','cpu_mean','ram_mean',"index"])
Experiment qos=2: 10 flows/s, CPU: 16.93%, RAM: 12.29%, latency: 0.64s/flow, coordinate: (9.884,9.9128)
Experiment qos=2: 20 flows/s, CPU: 17.99%, RAM: 12.44%, latency: 0.66s/flow, coordinate: (19.5511,19.6434)
Experiment qos=2: 30 flows/s, CPU: 18.61%, RAM: 12.44%, latency: 0.71s/flow, coordinate: (29.3682,29.3619)
Experiment qos=2: 40 flows/s, CPU: 18.75%, RAM: 12.63%, latency: 0.78s/flow, coordinate: (38.3076,38.3828)
Experiment qos=2: 50 flows/s, CPU: 19.54%, RAM: 12.71%, latency: 1.3s/flow, coordinate: (47.5388,46.3919)
Experiment qos=2: 60 flows/s, CPU: 19.77%, RAM: 12.84%, latency: 5.77s/flow, coordinate: (55.8274,42.0792)
Experiment qos=2: 70 flows/s, CPU: 19.74%, RAM: 12.95%, latency: 12.4s/flow, coordinate: (67.1719,38.3318)
Experiment qos=2: 80 flows/s, CPU: 19.84%, RAM: 13.22%, latency: 25.39s/flow, coordinate: (77.467,34.374)
Experiment qos=2: 90 flows/s, CPU: 19.71%, RAM: 13.5%, latency: 50.9s/flow, coordinate: (84.038,33.3381)
Experiment qos=2: 100 flows/s, CPU: 19.73%, RAM: 13.73%, latency: 85.05s/flow, coordinate: (92.068,32.5834)
Experiment qos=2: 110 flows/s, CPU: 19.8%, RAM: 13.99%, latency: 124.38s/flow, coordinate: (101.4481,34.198)
Experiment qos=2: 120 flows/s, CPU: 19.86%, RAM: 14.28%, latency: 173.11s/flow, coordinate: (112.9727,33.3647)
Experiment qos=2: 130 flows/s, CPU: 19.76%, RAM: 14.58%, latency: 229.21s/flow, coordinate: (113.3039,33.0773)
Experiment qos=2: 140 flows/s, CPU: 20.02%, RAM: 14.82%, latency: 293.01s/flow, coordinate: (128.1225,32.5137)