I am a Full Stack Software Engineer.
I have worked for software and robotics companies in Silicon Valley, in and around Boston's Route 128, and New York's Silicon Alley.
I've been publishing more packages (Docker images, etc.) to GitHub directly:
- https://www.npmjs.com/~mitchallen - my NPMJS packages
- https://scriptable.com/ - micro app ideas
- https://scriptaverse.com/ - my experiment with hosting my own metaverse using ThreeJS, WebXR and IPFS
- https://xrmitch.com - my WebXR / A-Frame playground where I test out ideas for my other WebXR sites
- https://xrhydra.com/ - experimental metaverse editor
- https://vrmitch.com - where I experiment with low-level WebXR / ThreeJS concepts
- https://mitchallen.art/ - the hub for my experiments with generative art