Minimum(~ 1kb) and isomorphic worker wrapper with comlink like rpc.
npm install minlink --save
# or
yarn add minlink
- WebWorker(DedicateWorker) and node's Worker(
) have similar api but not same one. This library wraps them to same rpc. minlink
is inspired bycomlink
but to keep simple and small core, minlink does not use ES2015 Proxy(or its polyfill). Instead of proxy,minlink
provides typescript's type utils.
- Node 14+
- Modern Browser + IE11(WIP: Not tested yet)
Minlink takes WebWorker as expose/wrap. Bundle them with webpack or rollup.
// browser worker.js
import { expose } from "minlink/dist/browser.mjs";
const impl = {
async foo(n; number) {
return n + 1;
expose(self, impl);
// browesr main.js
// import { wrap } from "minlink/dist/browser.legacy.js"; // for ie11. UMD build.
import { wrap } from "minlink/dist/browser.mjs";
const api = wrap(new Worker("./worker.js"));
const ret = await api.exec("foo", 1);
console.log(ret); // => 2
await api.terminate();
Minlink takes worker_threads/Worker
as expose/wrap.
// main.mjs
import { wrap } from "comlink/dist/node.mjs";
import { Worker } from "worker_threads";
const worker = new Worker("./worker.mjs");
const api = wrap(worker);
const res = await api.exec("foo", 1);
console.log("response", res);
// worker.mjs
import { expose } from "minlink/dist/node.mjs";
import { parentPort } from "worker_threads";
expose(parentPort, {
async foo(n) {
return n + 1;
// browser/worker.ts
import { expose } from "minlink/dist/browser.mjs";
const impl = {
async foo(n; number) {
return n + 1;
export type RemoteImpl = typeof impl;
expose(self, impl);
// browesr/main.ts
import type { RemoteImpl } from "./worker.ts"; // Typescript 3.9+ Type only import
import { wrap } from "minlink/dist/browser.mjs";
const api = wrap<RemoteImpl>(new Worker("/worker.js")); // take RemoteImpl as `wrap(...)`'s type argument.
const ret = await api.exec("foo", 1); // pass
const ret = await api.exec("foo", "invalid arg"); // type error
const buf = new Uint8Array([1]);
const ret = await api.exec(["foo", [buf]], buf); // pass
- v2: transferrable uses
['foo', [buf]]
from{cmd: 'foo', transferrable: [buf]}
- v1: release