This is a site template and utilities for nebel.
Clone this repository, move to its dirctory and execute bundle install.
$ git clone git://
$ cd nebel-site
$ bundle install
- layouts/post.html
- This is a template file for each entry. Please edit this.
- layouts/atom.xml
- This is a template file for an atom feed. Please edit this.
- layouts/archive.html
- This is a template file for archive. Please edit this.
- static/
- This is a directory for static files.You can put any files, like css, javascript, images and so on.
- You can make any sub directories in this directory.
Create a post file in posts directory.File name should be ended with ".md" or ".markdown".
The content of the post file is like this.
title: Entry title
date: 2012-04-24 18:15:59 +0900
Entry body.You can write anything with Markdown syntax.
$ bundle exec nebel
This command process post files and put generated files in public directory.
Also this command copies all files in static directory to public directory.
You can customize default behaviour of nebel with some of the options.
$ bin/nebel --help
Usage: nebel [options]
-b, --base-url [PATH] Serve website from a given base URL (default '/blog')
-a, --archive Generate archive pages (default '/archive')
--no-clean-dir Doesn't remove files in public dir
-h, --help Show this message
Hey Bonus! You can automatically pass the options with ~/.nebelrc
like as below.
--base-url / --no-clean-dir --archive
Execute this command and you can see generated contents with http://localhost:5000/
$ bundle exec nebel-server
Upload files in public directories to any servers you like.
Some utilities are included.
You can create a post file and open it with an editor easily like this.
$ thor post:create entry-title
This command generate a post file something like posts/2012-04-24-entry-title.markdown and its content is like this.
title: entry-title
date: 2012-04-24 19:25:34 +0900
With bundle exec guard, nebel command is executed automatically if files are changed. If your enviroment is ready for guard-livereload, the browser page is reloaded automatically.
$ bundle exec guard
thor server:start runs following things.
- Runs nebel-server
- Opens http://localhost:5000/ with your browser
- Executes bundle exec guard
$ thor server:start