Litebrowser is simple web browser designed to test the litehtml HTML rendering engine.
You can build litebrowser with Vinsual Studio 2008 and newer. Note: this project contais some git submodules:
- freeimage - used to draw images
- cairo - 2D graphics library
- txdib - wrapper for freeimage
- simpledib - library for memory device context and DIBs
- litehtml - html rendering engine
Please be sure the submodules are fetched, or download them from github and copy into libs subfolder.
You can download the binary files from
Before running litebrowser copy the files cairo.dll (from libs\cairo) and freeimage.dll (libs\freeimage) into the same folder where litebrowser.exe is.
Currently the address bar of the litebrowser is fake. Run litebrowser with command line parameter:
If you run litebrowser without parameter, the will be opened.