Items are valid for SC200. SC300 is mostly untested.
Item | Type | SC200 | SC300 |
IP‑Address | int (IPAddress) | yes | yes |
Subnet‑Mask | int (IPAddress) | yes | yes |
Gateway‑Address | int (IPAddress) | yes | yes |
Host‑Name | str | yes | yes |
Item | Type |
UI‑Access | (0) Unprotected (1) Read Only (2) PIN Protected |
UI‑Access‑PIN | int (Unsigned16) |
UI‑Language | str |
Buzzer‑Tone | (0) None (1) Startup (2) Invalid Keypress (3) Minor Alarm (4) Major Alarm (5) Urgent Popup |
Current‑Keypress‑State | (0) None (1) Up (2) Down (3) Esc (4) Enter (5) Info (6) Left (7) Right (8) UpDown |
Keypress‑State | (0) None (1) Up (2) Down (3) Esc (4) Enter (5) Info (6) Left (7) Right (8) UpDown |
Current‑UI‑Selection | str |
Display‑Contrast | int (Unsigned8) |
Display‑Orientation | (0) Vertical (1) Left (2) Right |
Main‑Screen‑Layout | (0) Two Large (1) Three Small |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑1 | (0) Bus Voltage (1) Rectifier Current (2) Load Current (3) Battery Current (4) Battery Temperature (5) Load Power (6) System Power (7) Analog Input (8) Ah Discharged |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑1‑Index | int (Unsigned8) |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑Value‑1‑Units | (0) No Units (1) With Value (2) With Label |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑2 | (0) Bus Voltage (1) Rectifier Current (2) Load Current (3) Battery Current (4) Battery Temperature (5) Load Power (6) System Power (7) Analog Input (8) Ah Discharged |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑2‑Index | int (Unsigned8) |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑Value‑2‑Units | (0) No Units (1) With Value (2) With Label |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑3 | (0) Bus Voltage (1) Rectifier Current (2) Load Current (3) Battery Current (4) Battery Temperature (5) Load Power (6) System Power (7) Analog Input (8) Ah Discharged |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑3‑Index | int (Unsigned8) |
Main‑Screen‑Item‑Value‑3‑Units | (0) No Units (1) With Value (2) With Label |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Modem | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Modem‑Power‑Reset | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Modem‑Set‑Up‑String | str |
Modem‑Auto‑Answer‑Rings | int (Unsigned8) |
Item | Type |
Modem‑Maximum‑Retries | int (Unsigned8) |
Modem‑Retry‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Alarm‑Report | (0) None (1) Warnings And Above (2) Minor And Above (3) Major And Above (4) Critical Only |
Alarms‑Read | bool |
Item | Index | Type |
Dial‑Out‑Number | 1-10 | str |
Item | Index | Type |
SMS‑Phone‑Name | 1-8 | str |
SMS‑Level | 1-8 | (1) Warnings And Above (2) Minor And Above (3) Major And Above (4) None (5) Critical Only |
SMS‑Phone‑Number | 1-8 | str |
SMS‑Prefix | 1-8 | str |
Item | Type |
Baud‑Rate | (8) 2400 (9) 4800 (10) 9600 (11) 19200 |
Parity | (0) None (1) Odd (2) Even |
Stop‑Bits | (1) One (2) Two |
Item | Type |
S3P‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
S3P‑Address | int (Unsigned16) |
S3P‑Write‑Access‑Password | str |
Remote‑Access‑Level | (80) Read Only (81) Read Write |
Remote‑Access‑Login | str |
Item | Type |
MII‑Address | int (Unsigned8) |
Item | Type |
HTTP‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
HTTPS‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Item | Index | Type | SC200 | SC300 |
User‑Active | 1-10 | bool | Yes | Yes |
User‑Name | 1-10 | str | Yes | Yes |
User‑Logon‑ID | 1-10 | str | Yes | Yes |
User‑Logon‑Password | 1-10 | str | Yes | Yes |
User‑Read | 1-10 | bool | Yes | No |
User‑Write | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
User‑Restore | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
User‑Backup | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
User‑Execute | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
User‑Upgrade‑Firmware | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
User‑Edit‑User‑List | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Name | 1-10 | str | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Read | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Write | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Restore | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Backup | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Execute‑Commands | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Upgrade‑Firmware | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Current‑User‑Edit‑User‑List | 1-10 | bool | Yes | ? |
Item | Type |
SNMP‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) All (2) Read Only (3) V3 Only |
Generic‑Traps‑Enable | (0) All (1) Cold Start Trap Only (2) None |
SNMP‑Read‑Community | str |
SNMP‑Write‑Community | str |
Trap‑Version | (0) SNMP V1 Trap (1) SNMP V2 Trap (2) SNMP V3 Trap |
Enable‑Trap‑Repeat | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Trap‑Repeat‑Rate | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Trap‑Format | (0) Eaton (1) X.733 |
SNMP‑Trap | int (Unsigned32) |
Trap‑Alarm‑Number | int (Unsigned16) |
Trap‑Alarm‑Name | str |
Trap‑Additional‑Text | str |
Trap‑Alarm‑Keep‑Severity | (1) Critical (2) Major (3) Minor (4) Warning (5) Cleared |
SNMPv3‑User‑Name | str |
SNMPv3‑SHA‑Password | str |
SNMPv3‑DES‑Password | str |
Item | Index | Type |
Trap‑Receiver‑Level | 1-8 | (1) Warnings And Above (2) Minor And Above (3) Major And Above (4) None (5) Critical Only |
Trap‑Receiver‑Name | 1-8 | str |
Trap‑Receiver‑Community | 1-8 | str |
Trap‑Receiver‑Mode | 1-8 | (1) Normal Traps (2) Acknowledged Summary Trap |
Trap‑Receiver‑IP‑Address | 1-8 | int (IPAddress) |
Trap‑Receiver‑Port | 1-8 | int (Unsigned16) |
System‑Object‑ID | 1-8 | str |
Trap‑Alarm‑Origin | 1-8 | (0) System Alarm (1) AI High (2) AI Low (3) DI (4) Smart Alarm |
Item | Type |
Serial‑Server‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Item | Type |
Modbus‑Address | int (Unsigned8) |
Modbus‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Modbus‑Interface‑Version | int (Unsigned16) |
Modbus‑Bus‑Message‑Count | int (Unsigned16) |
Modbus‑Bus‑Communication‑Error‑Count | int (Unsigned16) |
Modbus‑Slave‑Exception‑Error‑Count | int (Unsigned16) |
Modbus‑Slave‑Message‑Count | int (Unsigned16) |
Modbus‑Slave‑No‑Response‑Count | int (Unsigned16) |
Modbus‑Bus‑Character‑Overrun‑Count | int (Unsigned16) |
Item | Type |
Email‑Notifications | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
SMTP‑Server‑IP‑Address | int (IPAddress) |
SMTP‑Server‑Port | int (Unsigned16) |
Email‑Return‑Address | str |
Email‑Subject‑Prefix | str |
Item | Index | Type |
Email‑Receiver‑Level | 1-6 | (1) Warnings And Above (2) Minor And Above (3) Major And Above (4) None (5) Critical Only |
Email‑Receiver‑Address | 1-6 | str |
Email‑Receiver‑Delay | 1-6 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
SMTP‑Result | 1-6 | int (Unsigned16) |
Item | Type |
CSP4‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Item | Type |
Enable‑CSP2‑Stack | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
TPE‑Mode | (0) Physical (1) Virtual |
Time‑Zone‑Offset | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
CSP2‑Time | int (datetime) |
CSP2‑Alarm‑Report‑IP‑Address | int (IPAddress) |
CSP2‑Alarm‑Report‑IP‑Port | int (Unsigned16) |
CSP2‑Key | str |
TPE‑Id | int (Unsigned16) |
CSP2‑SW‑Version | str |
CSP2‑T1_317‑Protocol‑Version | str |
CSP3‑Access | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Item | Type |
Control‑State | (0) Normal (1) Equalize (2) Fast Charge (3) Battery Test |
Item | Type |
Float‑Voltage | Float |
Maximum‑System‑Voltage | Float |
Minimum‑System‑Voltage | Float |
Operating‑Voltage | Float |
Target‑Voltage | Float |
Base‑Voltage | Float |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Active‑Voltage‑Control | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
AVC‑State | (115) Disabled (116) Inoperative (117) Active (118) Lost Control (119) In Deadband |
AVC‑Offset | Float |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Temperature‑Compensation | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Temperature‑Compensation‑Slope | Float |
Temperature‑Compensation‑Reference‑Temperature | Float |
Temperature‑Compensation‑Lower‑Limit | Float |
Temperature‑Compensation‑Upper‑Limit | Float |
Temperature‑Compensation‑State | (80) Disabled (81) Inoperative (82) Active |
Temperature‑Compensation‑Allowed | (190) Process Active (191) Available To Start (192) Cannot Start - Controller Busy (193) Cannot Start - Process Disabled (194) Cannot Start - Alarms Active (195) Cannot Start - Sensor Failed (196) Cannot Start - Battery Not Charged (197) Cannot Start - No Rectifiers Available (198) Cannot Start - Rectifier OVSD (199) Cannot Start - No Battery Configured (200) Cannot Start - Load Current Too Low (201) Cannot Start - AC Failed (202) Manual Stop (203) Cannot Start - Battery Not Discharged (204) Cannot Start - AC State Unavailable (205) Cannot Start - System Overloaded |
Temperature‑Compensation‑Offset‑Voltage | Float |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Equalize | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Equalize‑Voltage | Float |
Equalize‑Duration | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Periodic‑Equalize‑First‑Date‑Time | int (datetime) |
Equalize‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInDays) |
Equalize‑State | (0) Disabled (1) Active (2) Inactive (3) Pending |
Equalize‑Remaining‑Time | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Next‑Equalize‑Start‑Time | int (datetime) |
Equalize‑Start‑Allowed | (190) Process Active (191) Available To Start (192) Cannot Start - Controller Busy (193) Cannot Start - Process Disabled (194) Cannot Start - Alarms Active (195) Cannot Start - Sensor Failed (196) Cannot Start - Battery Not Charged (197) Cannot Start - No Rectifiers Available (198) Cannot Start - Rectifier OVSD (199) Cannot Start - No Battery Configured (200) Cannot Start - Load Current Too Low (201) Cannot Start - AC Failed (202) Manual Stop (203) Cannot Start - Battery Not Discharged (204) Cannot Start - AC State Unavailable (205) Cannot Start - System Overloaded |
Can‑Stop‑Equalize | (0) Able To Stop (1) Cannot Stop - Battery Too Discharged (2) Cannot Stop - Bus Voltage Too Low (3) Cannot Stop - Process Not Running |
Equalize‑Offset‑Voltage | Float |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Fast‑Charge | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Fast‑Charge‑Voltage | Float |
Fast‑Charge‑Maximum‑Duration | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Fast‑Charge‑Ampere‑Hour‑Threshold | int (Unsigned8) |
Fast‑Charge‑Voltage‑Threshold | Float |
Fast‑Charge‑Recharge‑Percentage | int (Unsigned8) |
Fast‑Charge‑Ampere‑Hour‑Stop‑Threshold | int (Unsigned8) |
Fast‑Charge‑State | (0) Disabled (1) Active (2) Inactive (3) Pending |
Can‑Stop‑Fast‑Charge | (0) Able To Stop (1) Cannot Stop - Battery Too Discharged (2) Cannot Stop - Bus Voltage Too Low (3) Cannot Stop - Process Not Running |
Fast‑Charge‑Maximum‑Time‑Remaining | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Fast‑Charge‑Offset‑Voltage | Float |
Fast‑Charge‑Start‑Allowed | (190) Process Active (191) Available To Start (192) Cannot Start - Controller Busy (193) Cannot Start - Process Disabled (194) Cannot Start - Alarms Active (195) Cannot Start - Sensor Failed (196) Cannot Start - Battery Not Charged (197) Cannot Start - No Rectifiers Available (198) Cannot Start - Rectifier OVSD (199) Cannot Start - No Battery Configured (200) Cannot Start - Load Current Too Low (201) Cannot Start - AC Failed (202) Manual Stop (203) Cannot Start - Battery Not Discharged (204) Cannot Start - AC State Unavailable (205) Cannot Start - System Overloaded |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Battery‑Current‑Limit | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
BCL‑Limit | int (Unsigned8) |
BCL‑Engine‑Run‑Limit | int (Unsigned8) |
BCL‑State | (110) Disabled (111) Inoperative (112) Active (113) Inactive (114) Lost Control (115) In Deadband (116) Pending |
BCL‑Offset‑Voltage | Float |
Item | Type |
Enable‑Battery‑Test | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Battery‑Test‑First‑Date‑Time | int (datetime) |
Battery‑Test‑Duration | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Battery‑Test‑Termination‑Voltage | Float |
Battery‑Test‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInDays) |
Battery‑Test‑State | (95) Disabled (96) Inactive (97) Active (98) Failed (99) Locked Out |
Battery‑Test‑Remaining‑Time | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Next‑Battery‑Test‑Start‑Time | int (datetime) |
Battery‑Test‑Lockout‑Remaining | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Battery‑Test‑Start‑Allowed | (190) Process Active (191) Available To Start (192) Cannot Start - Controller Busy (193) Cannot Start - Process Disabled (194) Cannot Start - Alarms Active (195) Cannot Start - Sensor Failed (196) Cannot Start - Battery Not Charged (197) Cannot Start - No Rectifiers Available (198) Cannot Start - Rectifier OVSD (199) Cannot Start - No Battery Configured (200) Cannot Start - Load Current Too Low (201) Cannot Start - AC Failed (202) Manual Stop (203) Cannot Start - Battery Not Discharged (204) Cannot Start - AC State Unavailable (205) Cannot Start - System Overloaded |
Battery‑Test‑Offset‑Voltage | Float |
Can‑Stop‑Battery‑Test | (0) Able To Stop (1) Cannot Stop - Battery Too Discharged (2) Cannot Stop - Bus Voltage Too Low (3) Cannot Stop - Process Not Running |
Item | Type |
LVD‑Inhibit‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Allow‑Front‑Panel‑LVD‑Control | bool |
Item | Index | Type |
LVD‑Inhibited | 1-16 | bool |
LVD‑State | 1-16 | (0) Idle (1) Connected (2) Disconnected (3) Manual (4) No Contactors |
Enable‑LVD‑Voltage‑Disconnect | 1-16 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
LVD‑Disconnect‑Voltage | 1-16 | Float |
LVD‑Reconnect‑Voltage | 1-16 | Float |
LVD‑Recognition‑Period | 1-16 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Enable‑LVD‑AC‑Timer | 1-16 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
LVD‑AC‑Timer‑Disconnect‑Delay | 1-16 | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Enable‑LVD‑SA‑Disconnect | 1-16 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
LVD‑SA‑Disconnect‑Index | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
Enable‑LVD‑Chained‑To‑Previous | 1-16 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
LVDC‑Characterization‑Result | 1-16 | (0) Not Run (1) Running (2) Success (3) No Lock (4) Disabled (5) Comms Lost (6) Busy (7) Mapping Error (8) Contactor Fault |
Item | Index | Type |
LVDC‑State | 1-16 | (0) Connected (1) Disconnected (2) Failed (3) Missing (4) Disabled (5) Conflict (6) Not Characterized |
Enable‑LVDC | 1-16 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
LVDC‑LVD‑Mapping | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
LVDC‑IOB‑Number | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
LVDC‑IOB‑LVD‑Number | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
LVDC‑Type | 1-16 | (0) Normally Open (1) Normally Closed |
LVDC‑Pull‑In‑Value | 1-16 | Float |
LVDC‑Hold‑In‑Value | 1-16 | Float |
LVDC‑LVD‑Version‑Value | 1-16 | int (Unsigned16) |
Item | Type |
Generator‑Fail‑Alarm‑Recognition‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
AC‑Supply‑State | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Generator‑State | (85) Not Running (86) Running (87) Unavailable (88) Missing |
Generator‑Control‑Relay | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
Generator‑Startup‑Wiring | (0) Indirect Start (1) Direct Start |
Fuel‑Level | Float |
Fuel‑Tank‑Volume | Float |
Manual‑Generator‑Run‑Time | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Generator‑Run‑Time‑Remaining | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Generator‑Backup‑Time | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Tank‑Empty‑Date‑Time | int (datetime) |
Generator‑Refuel‑Date | int (datetime) |
Generator‑Refuel‑Volume | Float |
Automatic‑Generator‑Control‑Mode | (0) Disabled (1) Fast Charge Only (2) Fast Charge Or Equalize (3) Every Mains Failure |
Item | Type |
Number‑Of‑Event‑Log‑Entries | int (Unsigned16) |
Event‑Log‑Earliest‑Index | int (Unsigned32) |
Event‑Log‑Latest‑Index | int (Unsigned32) |
Event‑Log‑Version | int (Unsigned16) |
Item | Index | Type |
Event‑Log‑Time | [Event‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Event‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | int (datetime) |
Event‑Log‑Type | [Event‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-Event‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | (0) No Event (1) Start Up (2) Alarm Activation (3) Alarm Deactivation (4) Configuration Change (5) Control Process Start (6) Control Process End (7) Rectifier Shutdown (8) Rectifier Restart (9) Logs Cleared (10) Clock Change From (11) Clock Change To (12) Reserved (13) AI High Activation (14) AI High Deactivation (15) AI Low Activation (16) AI Low Deactivation (17) DI Activation (18) DI Deactivation (19) Reserved 2 (20) Reserved 3 (21) DO Control Manual Active (22) DO Control Automatic (23) Smart Alarm Activation (24) Smart Alarm Deactivation (25) DO Control Manual Inactive (26) Battery State Reset (27) Fast Charge Manual Stop (28) Equalize Manual Start (29) Equalize Manual Stop (30) Generator Start (31) Generator Stop |
Event‑Information | [Event‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Event‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | int (Unsigned32) |
Event‑Information‑String | [Event‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Event‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | str |
Item | Type |
Data‑Log‑Normal‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Data‑Log‑Off‑Normal‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Data‑Log‑Off‑Normal‑Offset‑Voltage | Float |
Number‑Of‑Data‑Log‑Entries | int (Unsigned16) |
Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index | int (Unsigned32) |
Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index | int (Unsigned32) |
Data‑Log‑Version | int (Unsigned16) |
Item | Index | Type |
Data‑Log‑Time | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | int (datetime) |
Data‑Log‑AC‑Voltage | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | int (Unsigned16) |
Data‑Log‑Bus‑Voltage | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | Float |
Data‑Log‑Load‑Current | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | Float |
Data‑Log‑Rectifier‑Current | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | Float |
Data‑Log‑Battery‑Current | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | Float |
Data‑Log‑Battery‑Temperature | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | Float |
Data‑Log‑Ah‑Discharged | [Data‑Log‑Earliest‑Index]-[Data‑Log‑Latest‑Index] | Float |
Item | Type |
Reset‑Community | (1) Monitor Unique (2) System Unique (3) System Shared |
Database‑State | (410) Unavailable (411) Available (412) Locked (413) Updating |
Configuration‑Hash | int (Unsigned32) |
Database‑Read‑State | (0) Not Yet Read (1) Successful Read (2) Successful Read With Recoverable Errors (3) File Not Found (4) File Corrupt |
Database‑Write‑State | (0) Not Yet Written (1) Successful Write (2) Write Failed (3) Writing |
Configuration‑Flash‑Write‑Enable | bool |
Bus‑Sensor‑Fail‑Triggered | bool |
Battery‑Test‑Fail‑Triggered | bool |
Battery‑Current‑Sensor‑Failed | bool |
Item | Type |
AC‑Frequency | Float |
AC‑Energy | Float |
Item | Type |
AC‑Phase‑Voltage | Float |
AC‑Phase‑Current | Float |
AC‑Phase‑Real‑Power | Float |
AC‑Phase‑Reactive‑Power | Float |
AC‑Phase‑Apparent‑Power | Float |
AC‑Phase‑Power‑Factor | 3 |
AC‑Phase‑Harmonic‑Distortion | Float |
Item | Type |
Controller‑Time | int (datetime) |
TestRTCTime | int (datetime) |
Item | Type |
Poll‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Primary‑Address | int (IPAddress) |
Backup‑Address | int (IPAddress) |
UDP‑Port | int (Unsigned16) |
SNTP‑Last‑Update | int (datetime) |
Item | Type |
Slave‑Type | (0) Undefined (1) SM20 (2) SM50 (3) SM30 (4) SM30 SLAVE (5) IOM (6) CBC (7) WEIR (8) SM35 (9) NES BATTERY TRAY (10) SM30 SLAVE FRONT PORT (11) SM60 (12) SM40 (13) SM70_IOB (14) SM70 (15) SM45_IOB (16) SM45 (17) SM65 (18) SC200 |
Software‑Version | str |
Interface‑Version | int (Unsigned16) |
Compatible‑Interface‑Version | int (Unsigned16) |
Manufacturer‑Name | str |
System‑Type | str |
Contact | str |
System‑Manufacturer | str |
System‑Location | str |
System‑Serial‑Number | str |
Site‑Name | str |
Site‑Address | str |
Site‑Notes | str |
Configuration‑Name | str |
Ethernet‑MAC‑Address | str |
Item | Index | Type |
Software‑Module‑Versions | 1-64 | 2 |
Software‑Module‑Names | 1-64 | str |
LDR‑Software‑Version | 1-64 | str |
Serial‑Number | 1-64 | str |
Hardware‑Version | 1-64 | str |
Run‑Up‑Date | 1-64 | str |
Subversion‑Revision | 1-64 | int (Unsigned32) |
Item | Type |
RP‑Bus‑Load | Float |
Item | Index | Type |
RXP‑Slave‑Command‑Set | 1-142 | int (Unsigned32) |
RXP‑Slave‑Type | 1-142 | (0) Unknown (1) IOB (2) Rectifier |
RXP‑Slave‑Serial‑Number | 1-142 | int (Unsigned32) |
RXP‑Slave‑Registration‑State | 1-142 | (0) Not Detected (1) Detected (2) Registered (3) Comms Lost (4) Missing (5) Rebooting |
RXP‑Slave‑Name | 1-142 | str |
RXP‑BOM‑Revision | 1-142 | str |
RXP‑Software‑Version | 1-142 | str |
Identify‑RXP‑Slave | 1-142 | bool |
RXP‑Slave‑Is‑Identifying | 1-142 | bool |
Item | Type |
Num‑IOB‑Shadows | int (Unsigned8) |
Item | Index | Type |
IOB‑Serial‑Number‑Map | 1-16 | int (Unsigned32) |
IOB‑RXP‑Slave‑Table‑Index | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Registration‑State | 1-16 | (0) Not Detected (1) Detected (2) Registered (3) Comms Lost (4) Missing (5) Rebooting |
IOB‑Number‑Of‑Voltages | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Number‑Of‑Currents | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Number‑Of‑Temperatures | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Number‑Of‑Digital‑Inputs | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Number‑Of‑Relays | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Number‑Of‑LVDs | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
IOB‑Status | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
Num‑Rectifier‑Shadows | 1-16 | int (Unsigned8) |
RXP‑Comms‑Filter | 1-16 | int (Unsigned32) |
RXP‑Comms‑Mask | 1-16 | int (Unsigned32) |
Item | Type |
Cells‑Per‑String | int (Unsigned8) |
Battery‑Capacity | int (Unsigned32) |
Battery‑Current‑Sensor‑Fail‑Recognition‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Fast‑Charge‑Ah‑Discharged | Float |
Battery‑Charge‑State | (100) Float (101) Discharge (102) Charge (103) Unavailable |
Battery‑State‑Threshold | Float |
Item | Type |
MPM‑Lockout‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
MPM‑Convergence‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
String‑Fail‑Recognition‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
MPM‑Start‑Threshold | Float |
MPM‑Stable‑Threshold | Float |
MPM‑State | (0) Unable To Start (1) Locked Out (2) Converging (3) Stable (4) Disabled |
Time‑In‑This‑State | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Current‑MPM‑Threshold | Float |
Item | Index | Type |
String‑Name | 1-24 | str |
Midpoint‑Voltage | 1-24 | Float |
Imbalance‑Percent | 1-24 | Float |
String‑State | 1-24 | (0) OK (1) Pending Fail (2) Failed (3) Unavailable (4) Not Configured |
Abnormal‑Time | 1-24 | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Reference‑Voltage | 1-24 | Float |
Item | Type |
BTR‑State | (0) Inoperative (1) Inactive (2) Active (3) Characterizing (4) Waiting (5) Not Characterized |
BTR‑Time‑Remaining | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
BTR‑End‑Voltage | Float |
BTR‑Characterization‑End‑Voltage | Float |
BTR‑End‑Time | int (datetime) |
BTR‑Wait‑Time | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
BTR‑Characterization‑Rate | Float |
BTR‑State‑Of‑Health | int (Unsigned8) |
BTR‑Automatic‑Characterization | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
BTR‑Characterization‑Delay | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
BTR‑Characterization‑Start | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Battery‑Type | str |
BTR‑Characterization‑Possible | (0) Yes (1) Characterization Active (2) Not Fully Charged (3) AC Not Present (4) Low Load (5) End Voltage Too Low (6) BCL Disabled (7) Busy (8) Battery Test Failed (9) Sensor Failed (10) No Battery Configured (11) Battery Already Characterized |
BTR‑Characterization‑Result | (0) Not Yet Run (1) Sensor Failed (2) Not Fully Charged (3) Unstable Battery Current (4) Voltage Step Detected (5) Complete (6) Updated (7) User Canceled |
BTR‑Characterization‑Time | int (datetime) |
Item | Index | Type |
Battery‑Characterization‑Sample | 1-25 | Float |
Item | Type |
Number‑Of‑Registered‑Rectifiers | int (Unsigned8) |
Number‑Of‑Rectifiers‑Failed | int (Unsigned8) |
Number‑Of‑Rectifiers‑Comms‑Lost | int (Unsigned8) |
OVSD‑Set‑Point | Float |
Ramp‑Up‑Slope | int (Unsigned8) |
Rectifier‑Shutdown‑Mode | (0) Disabled (1) Manual (2) Automatic |
Rectifier‑Current‑Limit | int (Unsigned8) |
Enable‑Current‑Share | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Mii‑Rect‑State‑Has‑Changed | bool |
Mii‑Rect‑Fail‑Alarm‑State‑Has‑Changed | bool |
Rectifier‑Start‑Up‑Delay | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
AC‑Rectifier‑Current‑Limit | int (Unsigned8) |
Sum‑Of‑Rectifier‑Current‑Limits | Float |
Item | Index | Type |
Rectifier‑RXP‑Slave‑Table‑Index | 1-126 | int (Unsigned8) |
Rectifier‑Failed‑State | 1-126 | (0) Not Failed (1) Bad Status (2) Bad Output |
Rectifier‑Deduced‑Status | 1-126 | int (Unsigned32) |
Rectifier‑Power‑Limit | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Registration‑State | 1-126 | (0) Not Detected (1) Detected (2) Registered (3) Comms Lost (4) Missing (5) Rebooting |
Rectifier‑Reported‑Current | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Reported‑AC‑Voltage | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Heatsink‑Temperature | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Maximum‑Power‑Limit | 1-126 | int (Unsigned16) |
Rectifier‑Maximum‑Current‑Limit | 1-126 | int (Unsigned8) |
Shutdown‑Rectifier | 1-126 | bool |
Rectifier‑Has‑Been‑Shutdown | 1-126 | bool |
Load‑Based‑Run‑Time | 1-126 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Rectifier‑Output‑Is‑Limited | 1-126 | bool |
Rectifier‑Capabilities | 1-126 | int (Unsigned8) |
Rectifier‑Reported‑Voltage | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Maximum‑OVSD‑Set‑Point | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Minimum‑OVSD‑Set‑Point | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Status | 1-126 | int (Unsigned8) |
Rectifier‑Serial‑Number | 1-126 | int (Unsigned32) |
Rectifier‑Failed | 1-126 | int (Unsigned8) |
Rectifier‑Shutdown | 1-126 | int (Unsigned8) |
Rectifier‑Maximum‑AC‑Current‑Limit | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Output‑Power | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Power‑Share‑Voltage‑Offset | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Phase‑1 | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Phase‑2 | 1-126 | Float |
Rectifier‑Phase‑3 | 1-126 | Float |
Is‑Three‑Phase‑System | 1-126 | bool |
Item | Type |
Rect‑Cycle‑Low‑Threshold | int (Unsigned8) |
Rect‑Cycle‑High‑Threshold | int (Unsigned8) |
Rect‑Cycle‑Interval | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
LBRS‑State | (80) Disabled (81) Inactive (82) Active |
LBRS‑Number‑Of‑Shutdown‑Rectifiers | null |
Item | Type |
Alarm‑Recognition‑Period | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Enable‑Audible‑Alarm‑Indication | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Summary‑Alarm‑Critical | bool |
Summary‑Alarm‑Major | bool |
Summary‑Alarm‑Minor | bool |
Summary‑Alarm‑Warning | bool |
Item | Type |
In‑Discharge‑Alarm‑Condition | (0) Always (1) Only While AC Present |
Low‑Load‑Threshold | Float |
Item | Index | Type |
Alarm‑Send‑Trap | 0-59 | bool |
Alarm‑Severity | 0-59 | (0) Disabled (1) Critical (2) Major (3) Minor (4) Warning (5) Control |
Alarm‑DO‑Mapping‑A | 0-59 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
Alarm‑DO‑Mapping‑B | 0-59 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
Alarm‑Notes | 0-59 | str |
Alarm‑Name | v str | |
Alarm‑State | 0-59 | (0) Not Active (1) Active Warning (2) Active Major (3) Active Minor (4) Reserved (5) Active Critical (6) Active Control |
Alarm‑State‑Change‑Time | 0-59 | int (datetime) |
Low‑Float‑Threshold | 0-59 | Float |
Enable‑Low‑Float‑Tracking | 0-59 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
High‑Float‑Threshold | 0-59 | Float |
Enable‑High‑Float‑Tracking | 0-59 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
High‑Load‑Threshold | 0-59 | Float |
AC‑Fail‑Recognition‑Period | 0-59 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
System‑Overload‑Threshold | 0-59 | int (Unsigned8) |
System‑Overload‑Recognition‑Period | 0-59 | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
System‑Overload‑Type | 0-59 | (0) Total Capacity (1) Redundancy |
Battery‑Temperature‑High‑Threshold | 0-59 | Signed8 |
Battery‑Temperature‑Low‑Threshold | 0-59 | Signed8 |
Nominal‑AC‑Voltage | 0-59 | Float |
AC‑Phase‑Fail‑Threshold | 0-59 | int (Unsigned8) |
AC‑Phase‑Voltage‑Threshold | 0-59 | int (Unsigned8) |
Nominal‑AC‑Frequency | 0-59 | Float |
AC‑Frequency‑Threshold | 0-59 | int (Unsigned8) |
Item | Index | Type |
Source‑Alarm‑Status | 1-64 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Source‑Alarm‑Trigger‑State | 1-64 | (0) Active (1) Inactive (2) Cycle (3) Invalid |
Source‑Alarm‑Mapping | 1-64 | int (Unsigned8) |
Source‑Alarm‑Logic | 1-64 | (0) EQUAL (1) NOT |
Source‑Trigger | 1-64 | (0) Triggered (1) Active |
Source‑Alarm‑Type | 1-64 | (0) System Alarm (1) AI High (2) AI Low (3) DI (4) Smart Alarm |
Source‑Alarm‑Index | 1-64 | int (Unsigned8) |
Item | Index | Type |
Source‑Schedule‑Status | 1-20 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Is‑Source‑Schedule‑Active | 1-20 | bool |
Source‑Schedule‑Mapping | 1-20 | int (Unsigned8) |
Source‑Schedule‑First‑Date‑Time | 1-20 | int (datetime) |
Source‑Schedule‑Duration | 1-20 | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Source‑Schedule‑Interval | 1-20 | int (TimeIntervalInMinutes) |
Source‑Schedule‑Repetitions | 1-20 | int (Unsigned32) |
Source‑Schedule‑Next | 1-20 | int (datetime) |
Source‑Schedule‑End | 1-20 | int (datetime) |
Item | Index | Type |
System‑Value‑Source‑Status | 1-20 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
Is‑System‑Value‑Source‑Active | 1-20 | bool |
System‑Value‑Source‑Mapping | 1-20 | int (Unsigned8) |
System‑Value‑Source‑Threshold‑Type | 1-20 | (0) High (1) Low |
System‑Value‑Source‑Input | 1-20 | Float |
System‑Value‑Source‑Value | 1-20 | (0) Bus Voltage (1) Rectifier Current (2) Load Current (3) Battery Current (4) Battery Temperature (5) Load Power (6) System Power (7) Ah Discharged (8) Number Of Rectifiers Failed (9) Number Of Rectifiers Comms Lost (10) AC Voltage (11) Battery Time Remaining (12) Alternative Source Current (13) Highest Rectifier Heatsink Temperature (14) Fuel Level (15) Generator Backup Time (16) Fuel Remaining Time |
System‑Value‑Source‑Threshold | 1-20 | Float |
System‑Value‑Source‑Hysteresis | 1-20 | Float |
Item | Index | Type |
Smart‑Alarm‑Name | 1-32 | str |
Smart‑Alarm‑State | 1-32 | (0) Not Active (1) Active Warning (2) Active Major (3) Active Minor (4) Reserved (5) Active Critical (6) Active Control |
Smart‑Alarm‑State‑Change‑Time | 1-32 | int (datetime) |
Smart‑Alarm‑Severity | 1-32 | (0) Disabled (1) Critical (2) Major (3) Minor (4) Warning (5) Control |
Smart‑Alarm‑Operator | 1-32 | (0) AND (1) OR (2) XOR |
Smart‑Alarm‑Recognition‑Period | 1-32 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Smart‑Alarm‑Deactivation‑Recognition‑Period | 1-32 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
Smart‑Alarm‑Send‑Trap | 1-32 | bool |
Smart‑Alarm‑Group | 1-32 | int (Unsigned8) |
Smart‑Alarm‑Notes | 1-32 | str |
Smart‑Alarm‑DO‑Mapping‑A | 1-32 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
Smart‑Alarm‑DO‑Mapping‑B | 1-32 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
Item | Type |
Bus‑Voltage | Float |
Battery‑Current | Float |
Internal‑Battery‑Current | Float |
Load‑Current | Float |
Internal‑Load‑Current | Float |
Rectifier‑Current | Float |
Internal‑Rectifier‑Current | Float |
Sum‑Of‑Reported‑Rectifier‑Currents | Float |
Alternative‑Source‑Current | Float |
Internal‑Alternative‑Source‑Current | Float |
System‑Has‑AES | bool |
Load‑Power | Float |
System‑Power | int (Unsigned8) |
AC‑Voltage | Float |
Battery‑Temperature | Float |
Highest‑Rectifier‑Heatsink‑Temperature | Float |
Phase‑1 | Float |
Phase‑2 | Float |
Phase‑3 | Float |
Item | Index | Type |
AI‑High‑Send‑Trap | 1-48 | bool |
AI‑Low‑Send‑Trap | 1-48 | bool |
AI‑Name | 1-48 | str |
AI‑Status | 1-48 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
AI‑Units | 1-48 | (30) None (31) Volts (32) Milli Amps (33) Amps (34) Kilo Amps (35) degree celsius (36) Kilo Watts (37) Percent (38) Volts AC (39) Volts DC (40) Amps AC (41) Amps DC (42) Litre (43) Litre Per Sec (44) Cubic Meter Per Hour (45) Pascal (46) Kilo Pascal (47) mmH2O (48) Percent Relative Humidity (49) RPM (50) Hertz (51) Kilo Volt Amps (52) Kilo Watt Hour |
AI‑IOB‑Number | 1-48 | int (Unsigned8) |
AI‑IOB‑AI‑Number | 1-48 | int (Unsigned8) |
AI‑Gain | 1-48 | Float |
AI‑Offset | 1-48 | Float |
AI‑Function | 1-48 | (1) User Defined (2) Bus Voltage (3) Battery Temperature (4) Battery Current (5) Load Current (6) Rectifier Current (7) Battery Midpoint (8) Reverse Battery Detect (9) Alternative Energy Source Current (10) Fuel Level |
AI‑Hysteresis | 1-48 | Float |
AI‑High‑Threshold | 1-48 | Float |
AI‑High‑Severity | 1-48 | (0) Disabled (1) Critical (2) Major (3) Minor (4) Warning (5) Control |
AI‑High‑DO‑Mapping‑A | 1-48 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
AI‑High‑DO‑Mapping‑B | 1-48 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
AI‑Low‑Threshold | 1-48 | Float |
AI‑Low‑Severity | 1-48 | (0) Disabled (1) Critical (2) Major (3) Minor (4) Warning (5) Control |
AI‑Low‑DO‑Mapping‑A | 1-48 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
AI‑Low‑DO‑Mapping‑B | 1-48 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
AI‑Group | 1-48 | int (Unsigned8) |
AI‑High‑Notes | 1-48 | str |
AI‑Low‑Notes | 1-48 | str |
AI‑Value | 1-48 | Float |
AI‑High‑State | 1-48 | (0) Not Active (1) Active Warning (2) Active Major (3) Active Minor (4) Reserved (5) Active Critical (6) Active Control |
AI‑High‑State‑Change‑Time | 1-48 | int (datetime) |
AI‑Low‑State | 1-48 | (0) Not Active (1) Active Warning (2) Active Major (3) Active Minor (4) Reserved (5) Active Critical (6) Active Control |
AI‑Low‑State‑Change‑Time | 1-48 | int (datetime) |
Item | Type |
Battery‑Fuse‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Fan‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
AC‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Mains‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
MOV‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Load‑Fuse‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Cabinet‑Fan‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Phase‑Fail | (0) Ok (1) Failed (2) Unavailable (3) Missing |
Item | Index | Type |
DI‑Send‑Trap | 1-108 | bool |
DI‑Name | 1-108 | str |
DI‑Status | 1-108 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
DI‑IOB‑Number | 1-108 | int (Unsigned8) |
DI‑IOB‑DI‑Number | 1-108 | int (Unsigned8) |
DI‑Severity | 1-108 | (0) Disabled (1) Critical (2) Major (3) Minor (4) Warning (5) Control |
DI‑Recognition‑Period | 1-108 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
DI‑Deactivation‑Recognition‑Period | 1-108 | int (TimeIntervalInSeconds) |
DI‑DO‑Mapping‑A | 1-108 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
DI‑DO‑Mapping‑B | 1-108 | (0) None (1) Digital Output 1 (2) Digital Output 2 (3) Digital Output 3 (4) Digital Output 4 (5) Digital Output 5 (6) Digital Output 6 (7) Digital Output 7 (8) Digital Output 8 (9) Digital Output 9 (10) Digital Output 10 (11) Digital Output 11 (12) Digital Output 12 (13) Digital Output 13 (14) Digital Output 14 (15) Digital Output 15 (16) Digital Output 16 (17) Digital Output 17 (18) Digital Output 18 (19) Digital Output 19 (20) Digital Output 20 (21) Digital Output 21 (22) Digital Output 22 (23) Digital Output 23 (24) Digital Output 24 (25) Digital Output 25 (26) Digital Output 26 (27) Digital Output 27 (28) Digital Output 28 (29) Digital Output 29 (30) Digital Output 30 (31) Digital Output 31 (32) Digital Output 32 |
DI‑Function | 1-108 | (1) User Defined (2) Battery Fuse Fail (3) Load Fuse Fail (4) MOV Fail (5) ACD Fan Fail (6) Cabinet Fan Fail (7) Start Battery Test (8) Start Equalize (9) Engine Run (10) AC Fail (11) Phase Fail (12) Mains Fail |
DI‑Active‑State | 1-108 | (2) Closed (3) Open |
DI‑Group | 1-108 | int (Unsigned8) |
DI‑Notes | 1-108 | str |
DI‑Value | 1-108 | (1) Missing (2) Closed (3) Open (4) Disabled |
DI‑State | 1-108 | (0) Not Active (1) Active Warning (2) Active Major (3) Active Minor (4) Reserved (5) Active Critical (6) Active Control |
DI‑State‑Change‑Time | 1-108 | int (datetime) |
Item | Index | Type |
DO‑Status | 1-32 | (0) Disabled (1) Enabled |
DO‑Name | 1-32 | str |
DO‑IOB‑Number | 1-32 | int (Unsigned8) |
DO‑IOB‑DO‑Number | 1-32 | int (Unsigned8) |
DO‑Active‑State | 1-32 | (0) De Energized (1) Energized |
DO‑Group | 1-32 | int (Unsigned8) |
DO‑State | 1-32 | (0) Active (1) Inactive (2) Missing (3) Disabled (4) Conflict |
DO‑Control‑State | 1-32 | (0) Active (1) Automatic (2) Inactive |