- This Custom GPT can view all todos, add new tasks to list, update and delete them.
- User can manage todos themselves with nextjs14 web app.
Remember currently it is build for a single user and can easily extended to multi user web app.
FastAPI Microservice and NextJS web app are deployed on vercel:
Run pnpm install to install the missing dependencies
Rename .env.template to .env and add environment variables.
- For
we are using SQL ALchemy ORM so you can add any database url. I will recommend vercel postgress or neon serverless postgress database. - For 2nd during local testing and http://localhost:3000 and in production add vercel deplyment url.
In terminal run:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Add Todos Table
alembic upgrade head
Run pnpm install to install the missing dependencies
Delete the .next and pucache and .mypy... cache files and follow the steps:
a. Run vercel link
and then add all env variables to vercel deplyment. Replace the localhost vars with vercel deoloyment link
b. Finally run vercel --prod
to deploy the project.
- Got to chat.openai.com open GPT builder
- Use GPT builder to add your gpt basic settings (name picture etc.)
- Click on Create Action and in Open AI schema copy gpt-openaispec.json and add it there.
- Test and Save it.
https://editor-next.swagger.io/ https://chat.openai.com/g/g-TYEliDU6A-actionsgpt
Feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback. Contributions are also welcome!