A Json generator engine based on the metadata including layout and data providers defined in .Net languages. Usually, if a specific Json needs to be created based on a defined layout, developer has to create all the classes and hierarchy and then map his data to this structure, and then finally serialize his root class to get the Json. JsonGen is following another appraoch. The steps is: tag the Json layout with _datasource and then define your datasource(s). Finally, ask JsonGen to generate the finall Json with the data.
Let's start with the simplest form (https://dotnetfiddle.net/hNKHYQ):
public class DataProvider : IDataProvider
public async Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> GetDataAsync() =>
await Task.FromResult((new dynamic[]
1, 2, 3
var generator = new Generator(new BasicMetadataProvider(name =>
new Metadata
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource {
Key = "W",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(DataProvider).FullName
Labels = new Labels { },
Layout = new Layout { Content = "{'_dataSource':'W', 'data':[]}" }
var generatedJson = generator.Generate("MyMetadata");
The output will be
'_dataSource': 'W',
'data': [1, 2, 3]
or another way with setting fields
var metadataProvider = new BasicMetadataProvider(name => new Metadata
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource {
Key = "W",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(DataProvider).FullName
Labels = new Labels { },
Layout = new Layout {
Content = "{'_dataSource':'W', 'data':[{'field1': '', 'field2': ''}]}" }
public class DataProvider : IDataProvider
public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetData() => new[]
new { field1 ="Hello", field2 = "World" }
public void Simple_Test()
var generator = new Generator(metadataProvider);
var generatedJson = generator.Generate("SomeMetadata");
var expected = @"{
'_dataSource': 'W',
'data': [
'field1': 'Hello',
'field2': 'World'
Metadata class contains 3 main components: Layout, Datasources and Labels
Simply it holds the content as a Json
public class Layout
public string Content { get; set; }
In this Json the _datasource element is pointing to the key of a datasource. The first array element sibling to this node is where the data is going to be placed.
Another important part of Metadata is Datasources which is an array of Datasource. The main element of datasource is the Key which is the reference used in the layout. the next important part is DataProviderFullName which is the full name of a class implementing IDataProvider
This interface must be implemented by any data provider and has one simple method GetData which returns an IEnumerable of dynamic.
public interface IDataProvider
Task<IEnumerable<dynamic>> GetDataAsync();
There is a DbDataProvider in JsonGen.Db project which can be used on the databases.
To ba added
For filtering, Generate method can accept one of these 2 optional parameters: predicate or filters. predicate is a condition which can filter the datasource rows. On the other hand filters parameter is used for database sources and basically is a list of Filter objects which have name, value and optionally operator.
note : to use the predicate the data provider should be implementing IFilterableDataProvider and for using filters it should be implementing IDbDataProvider.
Supported filter operators are:
- Eq: Equals
- G: Greater than
- L: Less than
- GE: Greater than or equal to
- LE: Less than or equal to
- In: In a set values. Value should be an array
var metadataProvider = new BasicMetadataProvider(_ => new Metadata
Layout = new Layout {
Content = "{'_dataSource': 'A', 'data': [ { 'name': 'X' }]}"
Labels = new Labels(),
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource {
Key = "A",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(DbDataProvider).FullName,
DbConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr),
Query = "Select * from TestTable",
var generator = new Generator(metadataProvider);
var json = await generator.GenerateAsync("myMeta",
filters: new[]
{ new Filter { FieldName = "Id", Value = 1 } }
The output would be:
{'_dataSource': 'A', 'data': [ { 'Name': 'MK' }]}
When there are multiple data sources used in one layout and some of them shouldn't be filtered that data source can use DatasourceOptions of ApplyFilter = false.
new DataSource {
Key = "A",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(DbDataProvider).FullName,
DbConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr),
Query = "Select * from TestTable",
Options = new DatasourceOptions { ApplyFilter = false }
In more specific cases, a set of filters based on their key can be ignored:
Options = new DatasourceOptions {
IgnoreFilteringOn = new [] { "id", "Name" }
For calling stored procedure instead of query should start with Exec (case insensitive). In this case, filters would be passed as parameters to the stored procedure:
@param1 int = 0,
@param2 VARCHAR(10)
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestTable WHERE Id = @param1 OR Name = @param2
var metadataProvider = new BasicMetadataProvider(_ => new Metadata
Layout = new Layout { Content = "{'_dataSource': 'A', 'data': [ { 'Name': 'X' }]}" },
Labels = new Labels(),
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource {
Key = "A",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(DbDataProvider).FullName,
DbConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr),
Query = " eXec TestProc",
var generator = new Generator(metadataProvider);
var json = await generator.GenerateAsync("myMeta", filters: new[] {
new Filter {
FieldName = "param1",
Value = 1,
new Filter {
FieldName = "param2",
Value = "AK",
The data provider can be retunring scalar values instead of a list of data. For these scenarios the DataProvider should be implementing IScalarDataProvider.
public interface IScalarDataProvider: IDataProvider
Task<dynamic> GetScalarDataAsync();
For data sources connecting to databases ScalarDbDataProvider can be used.
var metadataProvider = new BasicMetadataProvider(_ => new Metadata
Layout = new Layout { Content = "{'_dataSource': 'A', 'data': 'x' }" },
Labels = new Labels(),
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource {
Key = "A",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(ScalarDbDataProvider).FullName,
DbConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr),
Query = "Select Max(Id) from TestTable",
var generator = new Generator(metadataProvider);
The ouput would be
{'_dataSource': 'A', 'data': 2 }
sometime the elements are not sitting in an array like:
{'Id':1, 'Name': 'Mohsen'}
for these scenario the single row data provider could be used.
Task<dynamic> GetSingleRowDataAsync(Filter[] filters);
Then the layout can be set as:
public class SingleRowDataProvider : ISingleRowDataProvider
public async Task<dynamic> GetSingleRowDataAsync(Filter[] filters) => await Task.FromResult(new Data
X = 1,
Y = 2,
Z = 3
var layout = @"{
'root': {
'node': {
'_dataSource': 'S',
'X': '',
'Y': '',
'Z': ''
} ";
var metadataProvider = new BasicMetadataProvider(_ => new Metadata
Layout = new JsonGen.Layout { Content = layout },
DataSources = new[] {
new DataSource { DataProviderFullName = typeof(SingleRowDataProvider).FullName,
Key = "S"
In scenarios where dynamic sql is neccessary to be used, the replacing keys should be specified in the [ ] and the filter options should be set to ReplaceMacrosOnly . The keys should be passed as normal filter and their value be replaced.
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource {
Key = "A",
DataProviderFullName = typeof(DbDataProvider).FullName,
DbConnection = new SqlConnection(connStr),
Query = "Select * from [TableName]",
Options = new DatasourceOptions {
ReplaceMacrosOnly = true
var json = await generator.GenerateAsync("myMeta",
filters: new[] { new Filter { FieldName = "TableName", Value = "TestTable" } });
Please note this replacement is text based only so if it's used for a string value the quotes should be set around [].
The other parameter which can be passed to the Generate method is parameters which is simply a dictionary of named objects. Based on these parameters, the data source could be switched at run time.
var basicMetadataProvider = new BasicMetadataProvider(_ =>
new Metadata
Labels = new Labels(),
Layout = new Layout { Content = "{'_dataSource':'ds_[p]', 'data':[]}" },
DataSources = new[]
new DataSource { Key = "ds_A", DataProviderFullName = typeof(DataProviderA).FullName },
new DataSource { Key = "ds_B", DataProviderFullName = typeof(DataProviderB).FullName },
var generator = new Generator(basicMetadataProvider);
var json = generator.Generate(
parameters: new Dictionary<string, dynamic> { { "p", "B" } }
At run time the parameter p would be changed with its value of B therefore datasource ds_B would be used:
{'_dataSource':'ds_[p]', 'data':[4, 5, 6]}