This library is designed to help ease the strain on collision calls when
dealing with a large number of objects, i.e. bullets, particles, hordes
of zombies, etc.
Current Benefits
- Reduces the time spent checking collisions by reducing the scope of each
object; - Easy to use;
- Easy to understand.
To Do
- Implement better checking for objects near a hash border;
- Implement better checking for objects bigger than the size of the hash
it is in; - Add the option of using a simple grid or a quadtree.
Located in the Downloads page is a demo application for the hash. The
Love2D engine is required to run the demo.
Keyboard Controls
- TAB: Toggles between using the spatial hash and not;
- P: Pauses the demo;
- H: Toggles the banner showing the timing/hash information.
- ESC: Quits the demo.
Change Log
- 1/16/12: Initial upload of library.