Minimal Interface for Gymnasium, an RL environment repository which replaces OpenAI Gym. Might implement compatibility layer for CommonRLInterface or MinimalRLCore if there is interest.
unwrap=false, # whether the environment is returned with the default wrappers or unwrapped
render_mode=nothing, # corresponds to the render_mode in the gymnasium environment
kwargs... # Untested, but technically should send optional kwargs to environment constructor in python.
make(name::String, version::Int; kwargs...) # calls the above function
Then the interface is juliafied in the usual ways:
step!(env::GymnasiumEnv, action)
reset!(env::GymnasiumEnv{T}; seed::Union{Nothing, Int}=nothing, options::Union{Nothing, Dict}=nothing) where {T}
I have not tested on every environment. To add compatibility for an observation type that I don't implement convert_obs
similar to the ndarray function:
convert_obs(::Val{:ndarray}, pyobs::Py) = pyconvert(Vector, pyobs)
where :ndarray
comes from the call of convert_obs
in the GymnasiumEnv wrapper class:
function GymnasiumEnv(id::String, pyenv::Py)
obs, info = pyenv.reset() # reset to get the obs type
env = GymnasiumEnv(pyenv, id, convert_obs(obs), false, 0.0, info)
return env
function convert_obs(pyobs::Py)
t_str = pyconvert(String, @py type(pyobs).__name__)
convert_obs(Val(Symbol(t_str)), pyobs)
The info dict is returned as a PythonCall.Py
object, and the reward and terminal values are assumed to be Float64 and Bool respectively.