My attempt to solve the Project Euler problems using Q/kdb+.
- 00001 Multiples of 3 and 5
- 00002 Even Fibonacci numbers
- 00003 Largest prime factor
- 00004 Largest palindrome product
- 00005 Smallest multiple
- 00006 Sum square difference
- 00007 10001st prime
- 00008 Largest product in a series
- 00009 Special Pythagorean triplet
- 00010 Summation of primes
- 00011 Largest product in a grid
- 00012 Highly divisible triangular number
- 00013 Large sum
- 00014 Longest Collatz sequence
- 00015 Lattice paths
- 00016 Power digit sum
- 00017 Number letter counts
- 00018 Maximum path sum I
- 00019 Counting Sundays
- 00020 Factorial digit sum
- 00021 Amicable numbers
- 00022 Names scores
- 00023 Non-abundant sums
- 00024 Lexicographic permutations
- 00025 1000-digit Fibonacci number
- 00026 Reciprocal cycles
- 00027 Quadratic primes
- 00028 Number spiral diagonals
- 00029 Distinct powers
- 00030 Digit fifth powers
- 00031 Coin sums
- 00032 Pandigital products
- 00033 Digit cancelling fractions
- 00034 Digit factorials
- 00035 Circular primes
- 00036 Double-base palindromes
- 00037 Truncatable primes
- 00038 Pandigital multiples
- 00039 Integer right triangles
- 00040 Champernowne's constant
- 00041 Pandigital prime
- 00042 Coded triangle numbers
- 00043 Sub-string divisibility
- ... lots of gaps from here on in
- 00045 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal
- 00048 Self powers
- 00049 Prime permutations
- 00050 Consecutive prime sum
- 00052 Permuted multiples
- 00055 Lychrel numbers
- 00056 Powerful digit sum
- 00059 XOR decryption
- 00062 Cubic permutations
- 00092 Square digit chains
- 00145 How many reversible numbers are there below one-billion?