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[Abandoned] Implementation work of a sign reading car using deep RL via Unity ML-Agents.

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This repository contains the code and thesis PDF file for my master's dissertation, named Implementing a one-way self-driving car framework using Unity ML-Agents and deep learning.

In this project, I aimed to create an autonomous car in Unity that would be able to drive by itself on a one-way, one lane road and adjust its behaviour to a number of chosen traffic signs when driving. To achieve this, I decided to use Unity's ML-Agents for the reinforcement learning task, and the German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark dataset for the traffic sign detection part.

However, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, access to suitable hardware to push forward the progress of this project has been severely limited, and therefore this project should be remarked as unfinished, and perhaps treated as a scrap car for parts.

Project steps

Provided below is a list of what steps were taken during the development of this project, in order to explain the contents of each folder of the repository.

  1. A player car controller script has been modified so that the RL agent could handle the inputs by itself.
  2. A RL model was trained on a scene consisting of 6 agents driving on a straight lane, using a number of raycasts for observing the road around them. Unity ML-Agents's internal implementation of PPO was used to train the agents.
    • The car controller script, straight lane scene and trained model are all available in the /UnityProject/Self-DrivingCar/ directory.
  3. A number of chosen German traffic signs have been textured for the traffic sign detection part, namely:
    • speed_limit_20
    • speed_limit_30
    • speed_limit_50
    • speed_limit_60
    • speed_limit_70
    • speed_limit_80
    • speed_limit_100
    • speed_limit_120
    • stop
    • restriction_ends
    • go_right
    • go_left
    • go_straight
  4. 127 screenshots were made in Unity consisting of the traffic signs in an Unity scene.
  5. These screenshots were further annotated and added to a copy of the GTSDB dataset.
    • The dataset can be found in the /SSD MobileNet Attempt/Full GTSDB Dataset + Unity Images (PNG)/ directory.
  6. TFRecords files were created for transfer learning a SSD Mobilenet V2 from the TensorFlow Detection Zoo with this dataset for it to be used further in the project.
    • Due to the size of the TFRecords files, they have been moved to an external file provider. The links can be found in the file in the /SSD MobileNet Attempt/ directory.
  7. A SSD Mobilenet V2 model was trained, unfortunately with 0% accuracy - this is possibly due to the size of the images that were later convoluted to a 320x240 image, and therefore unreadable for the CNN model.
    • Since the model has no further use, it has not been attached to this project.
    • However, the Python files used for training and the creation of TFRecords files can be found in the /SSD MobileNet Attempt/Used Python Code/ directory.
  8. Due to this, I decided to use an already existing object detection model trained on the GTSDB dataset from helloyide. The model was firstly tested on the Unity screenshots of textured signs in the dataset and managed to detect most of them correctly.
  9. As Unity ML-Agents at the time of the creation of this project did not support using advanced neural network models inside the Unity editor, 4 Unity gym environments were built, each with a rising difficulty level, to train the same model on each of these gym environments using a Python script. This would fully facilitate the use of transfer learning.
    • These environments can be found in the /Built Unity Environments/ directory.
  10. PPO2 and object detection scripts were being prepared to be used on these gym environments.
    • These scripts can be found in the /Used Python Code/ directory.
    • However, it's important to note they have not been fully implemented and tested with the built Unity environments.
  11. Project progress stopped.


Further information about the project can be found in the thesis provided as the Thesis.pdf file.