Dyne is a C++ library for creating games and applications, it is still under development and is lacking of many features.
Because i can.
First of all you need to clone the project
git clone --recursive https://github.com/mmerabet42/Dyne.git path
'path' is the path where you want the whole code to be. '--recursive' is necessary for cloning the submodules.
Dyne currently compiles on Linux, will soon on Windows. It does on MacOs but nothing renders, i dont know why, so i will focus on Linux and Windows for now.
Dyne uses C++17 (The 2017 standard version of C++).
Dyne requires some libraries in order to work, but they dont need to be installed (They are already in the sources):
- OpenGL (Graphic library API)
- Glad (OpenGL loader)
- GLFW (Window and event library)
- OpenAL (3D audi API)
- dr_wav (header only library for loading WAV files)
- tiny_obj_loader (header only library for loading OBJ files)
- stb_image (header only library for loading images)
Go to the build directory (mkdir build
if it doesn't exist) then execute cmake ..
, a Makefile will be generated; do make
and then sudo make install
At this point the library must have been installed, we can start using it.
Let's first start with a 'Hello World' example.
#include "dn/Application.hpp"
#include "dn/Window.hpp"
int main()
dn::Window window(600, 500, "Hello world");
return dn::Application::run();
Compile the example g++ -std=c++17 example.cpp -Ipath/to/include/of/dyne
And voila, these two lines of codes creates a window, and shows it.
In the really first two line we've included the Application.hpp and Window.hpp files, we need them in order to create a window
dn::Window window(600, 500, "Window Title");
and run the application
return dn::Application::run();