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mmilburn edited this page Nov 28, 2014 · 8 revisions


The purpose of this wiki is:

  • To document my thought process, and the methods (some of my mistakes too!) used to analyze this firmware.
  • To hopefully provide a pretty good reverse engineering tutorial (most tutorials don't seem to get past running "strings" on the binary).

Frame of Mind

This is a little difficult to describe. Essentially you need to make educated guesses based on your observations, then test your guesses. Follow KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principles. Here are a few hints:

  • Put yourself in the shoes of the creator. How would you do it?
  • Exploit software modularity (e.g. If firmware X is made by company Z and firmware Y was made by company Z, are they likely to be similar?)
  • Re-examine basic definitions if necessary (e.g. Just what is a firmware, and what should it do?)
  • Look at data and form beliefs (e.g. "kinda looks like word 4 is a CRC"). Test those beliefs ("if word 4 is a CRC, then it should have these properties").


  • That "Frame of Mind" thing I just mentioned
  • Familiarity with *nix shells
  • Stubborness
  • A cross compile environment (I've been using the toolchain provided by OpenWRT as well as crosstool-ng)

Toward Reproducibility

Ideally, with a modicum of effort one should be able to look at my write-ups and reconstruct my work. Statements aren't useful if you can't test them (falsifiability). Let me know if you think something needs more clarification.


Firmware Investigation 2014-11-08

I am upset with the sidebar.
I cannot remove it.
It f---s up all my code snippets.
It forces its column width all the way down the page.
I can't even get 80 columns in a snippet.
A horizontal scrollbar appears at like 60 columns.
I can get more columns on a damn VT100.
WTF sidebar, go to hell.

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