This application shows the effects of mode trapping on the eigenfrequency spacings of a vibrating string.
This package requires a fortran compiler, f2py to convert fortran into a loadable python module, matplotlib, pylab, and the TkAgg backend. It has been developed and tested on OSX 10.2.2 using the Anaconda python distribution, with the following configuration:
- matplotlib 1.4.3
- numpy 1.9.2
- python 2.7.9
- gfortran: GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.9.3 20150202
- f2py 2.0
To build the modetrap binary file, type
make modetrap_sub
This creates the file
To start the application type
python 1
for the one bead case, or
python 2
for the two bead case. Click on the cases and adjust the sliders to reproduce the frequency spacing patterns shown, commonly referred to as mode trapping.