I'm Mohamad Mahdi Nosrati, a Front End Engineer with a passion for crafting innovative and user-friendly web and mobile applications. With a strong foundation in web development technologies and frameworks, I bring creative and efficient solutions to life. Let's connect, collaborate, and build amazing projects together!
Here are some of the skills I bring to the table:
- React:
- React Native:
- Expo:
- Mongoose MongoDB:
- Next.js:
- Tailwind CSS:
- CSS:
- JavaScript:
- Vite:
- Sanity:
- Redux:
- Node.js:
- JWT:
- Express.js:
- Axios:
- Material-UI:
- Redux-Thunk:
- Redux Toolkit:
- bcrypt:
Feel free to reach out to me through LinkedIn or via Email for inquiries or exciting opportunities. Explore my GitHub repositories and let's build something great together!