Viriius feeds your FortiSandbox with samples from the Malshare repository. For research purposes only!
go run viriius.go
Command Line Options (from the code):
malshareAPIKey = flag.String("a", "", "Malshare API key.") path = flag.String("p", "viriius.db", "Path to hash cache DB (will be created if non-existent).") storelocal = flag.String("l", "", "Download locally: create a copy of the file in target folder. Will not submit to FSA.") dryrun = flag.Bool("d", false, "Dry run: display list of new hashes but dont download them.") ignore = flag.Bool("i", false, "Ignore existing hash list and download all new files.") ssl = flag.Bool("s", false, "Disable SSL certificate validation (useful when testing inline MITM inspection device).") logexists = flag.Bool("e", false, "Output message for files that already exist.") submittofsa = flag.Bool("f", false, "Submit to FSA.") submittofai = flag.Bool("z", false, "Submit to FAI.") FSAIP = flag.String("fip", "", "FSA IP address.") FSAUsername = flag.String("fuser", "admin", "FSA Username.") FSAPasswd = flag.String("fpass", "password", "FSA Password.")
Usage example for FortiAI:
go run viriius.go -a MALSHAREAPI --fip --fuser admin --fpass somepassword -z -i