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An API wrapper for some TF2-related sites. Created by manic.

These methods are designed so I can use this module rather than pasting functions into many blocks of code. It is not intended to be an API wrapper for every tf2 site. If you want to add some methods, feel free to make a pull request.

Working in node.js? Check out jstf!


Run pip install pytf2.


import pytf2
tf2_manager = pytf2.Manager(params)

__init__(self, cache: bool=True, bp_api_key: str='', bp_user_token: str='', mp_api_key: str='', no_rate_limits: bool=False, bypass_cf: bool=False, custom_session: requests.sessions.Session = None)

  • cache - Keep results of APIs etc for use later without calling the API again. Useful for getting multiple bits of info from the same endpoint without receiving a cooldown
  • bp_api_key - Your api key
  • bp_user_token - Your user token (click 'Show Token')
  • mp_api_key - Your api key
  • no_rate_limits - By default an error is raised if you try to make more than 120 requests per minute as this can cause your ip to be temporarily blocked by If you want to disable this feature set this to True
  • bypass_cf - Uses the cfscrape for every request so requests will still work when a site is in under attack mode. This option is currently only available synchronously. You should read the docs for this module before enabling this option - it might not work out of the box and will need updating on occasion
  • custom_session - A custom requests session object. Overrides the bypass_cf parameter

Asynchronous usage

To use the library asynchronously, you need to do this:

tf2_manager = await pytf2.async_manager.Manager.create(params)

An additional parameter is available:

  • async_client - an aiohttp.ClientSession object (default: None)

Every method can now be used with await.


Some site names are shortened to keep function names at a reasonable length

Shortened name Site
sr steamrep
st steam-trade
s steam



Clears the item cache

Takes no arguments

Returns nothing


Clears the user cache

Takes no arguments

Returns nothing

pp_currency(keys, metal, key_name: str="key", metal_name: str="ref")

Pretty print a currency.

  • keys
  • metal
  • key_name - what to call keys (eg '1 key' or '1 Mann Co. Supply Crate Key')
  • metal_name - what to call metal

Returns a string (eg '12 ref' '1 key' or '2 keys 0.22 ref')

pp_currency_dict(self, currency, **kwargs):

Use a currency dictionary for pp_currency.

  • currency - a dictionary containing the price information.
{"keys": 2, "metal": 6}


{"keys": 2, "ref": 0}


Changes a steam-trade EconItem object to a string. Please note - this method may not work for all items. Use with care

  • item - A steam-trade EconItem object

Returns the name of the item

s_get_inventory(self, user_id, game=440, context=2, language="english", count=5000, start_assetid=None, parse: bool = True)

Gets the inventory of a user

  • user_id - the steamid64 of the user
  • game - the id of the game to get inventory for (440 - TF2)
  • context - the inventory context. For TF2 this is always 2.
  • language - the language to fetch the inventory in. If you choose something other than english parsing may break
  • count - maximum number of items to fetch. Maximum 5000
  • start_assetid - used for pagination. First item to fetch in the inventory. Currently unnecessary for TF2 as the maximum inventory size is less than 5000
  • parse - if False, returns raw data from steam. If True, returns a inventory.Inventory object.

bp_get_prices(self, raw: bool=0, since: int=0, parse: bool=True)

Gets the suggested price info

  • raw - If set to 1, adds a value_raw to the priceindex objects which represents the value of the item in the lowest currency without rounding. If a high value is set, the raw value will be an average between the low and high value. Setting raw to 2 prevents this behaviour by adding a new field, value_high_raw.
  • since - If set, only returns prices that have a last_update value greater than or equal to this UNIX time.
  • parse - If False, returns a dict like the one here. If True, returns a bp_prices.Prices object

bp_get_currencies(self, raw: int=0, parse: bool=True)

Gets the currency info

  • raw - If set to 1, adds a value_raw to the priceindex objects which represents the value of the item in the lowest currency without rounding. If a high value is set, the raw value will be an average between the low and high value. Setting raw to 2 prevents this behaviour by adding a new field, value_high_raw.
  • parse - If false, will return the dict from If true, parses each currency with and returns a dict like this:
{"metal": <pytf2.bp_currency.Currency object>, "hat": <pytf2.bp_currency.Currency object>, "keys": <pytf2.bp_currency.Currency object>, "earbuds": <pytf2.bp_currency.Currency object>}

bp_user_info(self, steamids: list, parse: bool=True)

Gets user info from Will use the cache where possible.

  • steamids - list of steamid64s to check
  • parse - if false, returns the dict from If true, parses each user with and returns a dict of id to object

Generic User Info functions

All of these functions operate the same way - they return a specific piece of info about a player. They all use the bp_user_info to get info and use the cache where possible.

All functions require the steamid64 of the player.

Function Returns
bp_user_name(self, steamid) steam name of the user
bp_avatar(self, steamid) URL of the user's profile picture
bp_last_online(self, steamid) unix timestamp when the user last visited
bp_admin(self, steamid) True if the user is a admin
bp_donated(self, steamid) the amount the user has donated to
bp_premium(self, steamid) True if the user has premium
bp_premium_months_gifted(self, steamid) how many months of premium the user has gifted
bp_can_trade(self, steamid) True if it is ok to trade with the user
bp_voting_rep(self, steamid) the voting reputation of the user (None if no rep)
bp_backpack_rank(self, steamid) the TF2 inventory rank of the user (None if inventory not parsed by, False if not ranked)
bp_backpack_value(self, steamid) the value of the user's TF2 inventory (None if inventory not parsed)
bp_backpack_metal(self, steamid) the raw metal (ref, rec, scrap) value of the user's inventory (None if not parsed)
bp_backpack_keys(self, steamid) the amount of raw keys in the user's inventory (None if not parsed)
bp_backpack_slots_total(self, steamid) the total amount of slots in the user's inventory (None if not parsed)
bp_backpack_slots_used(self, steamid) the amount of slots used in the user's inventory (None if not parsed)
bp_positive_trust(self, steamid) how many positive trusts the user has
bp_negative_trust(self, steamid) how many negative trusts the user has

bp_get_price_history(self, item, quality=None, tradable: int=1, craftable=1, priceindex: int=0, appid: int=440, parse: bool=True)

Gets the suggested price history from

  • item - The item - this can be a name or a definition index
  • quality - The quality - this can be a name or a definition index
  • tradable - The item's tradability. Use 'Tradable' or 1 to signify that the item should be tradable, or 'Non-Tradable' or 0 to signify that the item should not be tradable
  • craftable - The item's craftability. Use 'Craftable' or 1 to signify that the item should be craftable, or 'Non-Craftable' or 0 to signify that the item should not be craftable
  • priceindex - The item's priceindex. See this page and scroll down to Priceindex for more info
  • appid - Steam app to return data for. Default: 440 (Team Fortress 2). Valid options: 440, 570, 730
  • parse - if false, returns the dict from If true, returns an array of objects

bp_classifieds_search(self, data: dict, parse: bool=True)

Searches classifieds

  • data - a dict of all the data to be sent to (as written here). 'key' paramater is not required.
  • parse - if false, returns the dict from If true, returns a bp_classifieds.Classifieds object

bp_classified_make_data(name, user=False, unusual: bool=False, set_elevated=False, page_size=10, fold=1)

Creates data for use with the bp_classifieds_search method

  • name - name of the item including qualities etc. Works well with the st_item_to_str method
  • user - a specific user's steamid4 to get the listing from
  • unusual - manual override to set the quality to unusual (for searching for generic unusuals)
  • set_elevated - manually set the elevated quality of the item
  • page_size - how many listings to load for sell and buy orders. Max 30
  • fold - if 0, disables listing folding

Returns a dict. Normal usage:

tf2_manager.bp_classifieds_search(tf2_manager.bp_classified_make_data("Item name"))

bp_get_special_items(self, appid=440)

Gets the internal item placeholders

  • appid - the appid of the game (note - anything other than 440 (TF2) will not work. I'm just leaving this in because the docs say you can use 570 and 730 as well)

Returns the response from


Returns the user token. API key must be set

bp_send_heartbeat(self, automatic: str="all")

Send a heartbeat to Bumps listings where possible and gives you the lightning bolt on your listings

  • automatic - which listings to set as automatic. 'all' makes all of them, 'sell' only makes sell orders auto

Returns how many listings were bumped

bp_my_listings(self, item_names: bool=False, intent=None, inactive: int=1, parse: bool=True)

Returns your listings from

  • item_names - if True, each listing item will have a 'name' property
  • intent - set to 0 for only buy listings and 1 for only sell listings
  • inactive - set to 0 to hide inactive listings
  • parse - if False, returns the response from If True, returns a bp_classifieds.MyListings object.

bp_create_listing(self, listings: list, parse: bool=True)

Creates listings

  • listings - an array of listings to create (like this)
  • parse - if False, returns the response from If True, returns:
{"successful": ["item name (buying) or id (selling)", ...], "unsuccessful": {"item": reason, ...}}

bp_create_listing_create_data(intent: int, currencies: dict, item_or_id, offers: int=1, buyout: int=1, promoted: int=0, details: str="")

Creates a listing dict for use in the bp_create_listing method as part of a list.

  • intent - 0 (Buy) or 1 (Sell)
  • currencies - the price for the listing, eg:
{"metal": 10, "keys": 11}
  • item_or_id - if the intent is sell, this is the current id of the item. Can also be the id of an item in you inventory if you have integration set up. If the intent is to buy, this is either the name of the item or a dict object:
{"quality": "quality name or id. Supports elevated qualities, just use a space (eg 'Strange Unusual')", 
 "item_name": "name of the item or it's defindex. supports killstreaks and australium (prefix the name with it)",
 "craftable": "0 or 'Non-Craftable' if the item isn't craftable",
 "priceindex": "priceindex of the item (see and scroll down to 'priceindex'"}
  • offers - set to 0 to only accept steam friend requests
  • buyout - set to 0 to allow negotiation (blue trade icon)
  • promoted - set to 1 to promote the listing (sell orders only, must have a promote slot free)
  • details - the details for the listing

Returns a dict for use in the bp_create_listing method. Example:

tf2_manager.bp_create_listing([tf2_manager.bp_create_listing_data(1, {"metal": 1}, "6426729449", details="buy this item"),
                              tf2_manager.bp_create_listing_data(0, {"metal": 3, "keys": 2}, {"quality": "Unique",
                                                                                              "item_name": "B.M.O.C."},
                                                                 details="buying this")])

bp_delete_listings(self, listing_ids, parse: bool=True)

Deletes the specified listings

  • listing_ids - an array of listing ids to delete
  • parse - if False, returns data from If True, returns {"deleted": number of listings deleted, "errors": [list of errors]}

bp_delete_listing(self, listing_id, parse: bool=True)

Deletes a single listing

  • listing_id - listing id to delete
  • parse - whether or not to parse the response

Returns the same as the bp_delete_listings method


Checks if the item is duped. This method does not require an API key. Due to the way it collects data this method may break in the future

  • itemid - the id of the item. This can be any id that works when put into this page.

Returns True if the item is duped


Makes parse the inventory of the user (to enable you to list items that just came into your inventory for example)

  • user - the steamid64 of the user

Does not return anything

bp_number_exist(quality: str, name: str, tradable: str="Tradable", craftable: str="Craftable", priceindex: int=0

Checks how many of that item exist

  • quality - the quality of the item (string not number)
  • name - the name of the item
  • tradable - if the item is tradable
  • craftable - if the item is craftable
  • priceindex - priceindex of the item

Returns the number of items that exist, 0 if none.

bp_get_open_suggestions(self, **params)

Loads open suggestions from using parameters usable there.

Returns a bp_prices.OpenPrices object.

mp_user_is_banned(self, steamid)

Checks if the user is banned on

  • steamid - steamid64 of the user

Returns False, None if the user is not banned, True, reason if the user is banned

mp_deals(self, num: int=100, skip: int=0, parse: bool=True)

Gets deals. Sorted by $ deal value descending

  • num - number of deals to fetch. Max 1000
  • skip - skip first x deals. used to paginate
  • parse - if False, returns the data from If True, returns:
{"num_items": "how many deals found",
"items": [" Deal object", ...]}

mp_dashboard_items(self, parse: bool=True)

Gets all the items currently on your dashboard and available for sale

  • parse - If False, returns the response from If True, returns:
{"num_item_groups": 0, "total_items": 1, "items": [" Item object"]}

mp_sales(self, num: int=100, start_before: int=time(), parse: bool=True)

Gets your sales, most recent first

  • num - how many sales to fetch. max 500
  • start_before - unix timestamp to fetch sales from before. used to paginate
  • parse - if False, returns response from If True, returns
[" Sale object", ...]

mp_item_info(self, sku)

Gets info on an item from

  • sku - the sku of the item

Returns the price of the item and the number available

mp_item_price(self, sku)

Gets info on the price of an item from

  • sku - the sku of the item

Returns the price

mp_item_amount(self, sku)

Gets info on the amount of an item available from

  • sku - the sku of the item

Returns the amount

sr_reputation(steamid, parse: bool=True)

Gets user info from steamrep

Note - it is recommended to use the bp_user_info method instead

  • steamid - the user's steamid64
  • parse - if False, will return the response from steamrep. If True, returns a Reputation object


An API wrapper for some TF2-related sites








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