Whatsapp automation to send messages for many numbers in excel file
This project is based on Eel and electronJs to use electron desktop API . I'm still working on the documentaion of how to edit it. i know it's not that obvious but for now :
1 - Download electron binary and extract it into "electron" folder in the project.
2 - change electron.py file in eel libirary in your env. for the windows platform to be
if sys.platform in ['win32', 'win64']:
# It doesn't work well passing the .bat file to Popen, so we get the actual .exe
bat_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),r'electron\electron.exe')
return os.path.normpath(bat_path)
now when you write python main.py
it will work.
also working on how to deploy it with pyinstaller. my first release is not the best option for deploy