A list of awesome mobbing/ensemble/team programming resources. PRs are very welcome ❤️
- mobti.me - A free, collaborative, real-time mobbing timer.
- MobTime.hadrienmp.fr - Another free, collaborative, real-time mobbing timer.
- mob.sh - A free, script which gives you a simple set of shell commands for a fast handover.
- timer.mob.sh - A timer, for the mob.sh script.
- Mob.sh Intellij Plugin - A plugin version of mob.sh.
- vehikl - We're a software consultancy specialising in PHP and JavaScript. We build best-in-class web applications written with popular frameworks such as Laravel, Express, NestJS, Vue, and React. Think of us as an extension of your team.
- INNOQ - German Company which supports mob programming
- Mob Programming: A whole Team approach - Great book about the beginning of Mob Programming
- Remote Mob Programming - A short book about remote Mob Programming
- Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd: Get Better Together with Mob Programming - A short book about Mob Programming
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