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Releases: mochajs/mocha


31 Jul 20:19
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v3.5.0 / 2017-07-31

📰 News

  • Mocha now has a code of conduct (thanks @kungapal!).
  • Old issues and PRs are now being marked "stale" by Probot's "Stale" plugin. If an issue is marked as such, and you would like to see it remain open, simply add a new comment to the ticket or PR.
  • WARNING: Support for non-ES5-compliant environments will be dropped starting with version 4.0.0 of Mocha!

🔒 Security Fixes

🎉 Enhancements

  • #2696: Add --forbid-only and --forbid-pending flags. Use these in CI or hooks to ensure tests aren't accidentally being skipped! (@charlierudolph)
  • #2813: Support Node.js 8's --napi-modules flag (@jupp0r)

🔩 Other


24 May 16:06
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3.4.2 / 2017-05-24

🐛 Fixes

🔩 Other

Ohai CRLF...

14 May 19:18
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Fixed a publishing mishap with git's autocrlf settings.


14 May 18:30
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Mocha is now moving to a quicker release schedule: when non-breaking changes are merged, a release should happen that week.

This week's highlights:

  • allowUncaught added to commandline as --allow-uncaught (and bugfixed)
  • warning-related Node flags

🎉 Enhancements

🐛 Fixes

🔩 Other


24 Apr 09:12
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Thanks to all our contributors, maintainers, sponsors, and users! ❤️

As highlights:

  • We've got coverage now!
  • Testing is looking less flaky \o/.
  • No more nitpicking about "mocha.js" build on PRs.

🎉 Enhancements

  • #2659: Adds support for loading reporter from an absolute or relative path (@sul4bh)
  • #2769: Support --inspect-brk on command-line (@igwejk)

🐛 Fixes

  • #2662: Replace unicode chars w/ hex codes in HTML reporter (@rotemdan)

🔍 Coverage

🔩 Other


24 Nov 23:58
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3.2.0 / 2016-11-24

📰 News

Mocha is now a JS Foundation Project!

Mocha is proud to have joined the JS Foundation. For more information, read the announcement.

Contributor License Agreement

Under the foundation, all contributors to Mocha must sign the JS Foundation CLA before their code can be merged. When sending a PR--if you have not already signed the CLA--a friendly bot will ask you to do so.

Mocha remains licensed under the MIT license.

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #2535: Fix crash when --watch encounters broken symlinks (@villesau)
  • #2593: Fix (old) regression; incorrect symbol shown in list reporter (@Aldaviva)
  • #2584: Fix potential error when running XUnit reporter (@vobujs)

🎉 Enhancement

🔩 Other

Thanks to all our contributors, sponsors and backers! Keep on the lookout for a public roadmap and new contribution guide coming soon.


11 Oct 05:36
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3.1.2 / 2016-10-10

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #2528: Recovery gracefully if an Error's stack property isn't writable ([@boneskull])


10 Oct 06:26
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3.1.1 / 2016-10-09

🐛 Bug Fix

🔩 Other


27 Sep 07:57
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3.1.0 / 2016-09-27

🎉 Enhancement

  • #2357: Support --inspect on command-line (@simov)
  • #2194: Human-friendly error if no files are matched on command-line (@Munter)
  • #1744: Human-friendly error if a Suite has no callback (BDD/TDD only) (@anton)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #2488: Fix case in which variables beginning with lowercase "D" may not have been reported properly as global leaks (@JustATrick) 😆
  • #2465: Always halt execution in async function when this.skip() is called (@boneskull)
  • #2445: Exits with expected code 130 when SIGINT encountered; exit code can no longer rollover at 256 (@Munter)
  • #2315: Fix uncaught TypeError thrown from callback stack (@1999)
  • Fix broken only()/skip() in IE7/IE8 (@boneskull)
  • #2502: Fix broken stack trace filter on Node.js under Windows (@boneskull)
  • #2496: Fix diff output for objects instantiated with String constructor (more) (@boneskull)


14 Sep 19:23
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Release v3.0.2