python 3.7.2
pytorch 1.8.2+cu111
torch-cluster 1.5.9
torch-geometric 1.7.2
torch-scatter 2.0.8
torch-sparse 0.6.9
torchvision 0.9.2+cu111
tornado 5.1
tqdm 4.26.0
pandas 0.23.4
matplotlib 2.2.2
numpy 1.18.5
scikit-learn 0.22
rdkit 2018.09.1 conda-forge
deepchem 2.6.0.dev20211018190358
includes 306,347 SMILES from ZINC substance channel.
selected 3,000,000 molecules from the now set(now set includes 9,814,569 SMILES from ZINC substance channel)
make the graph ready from SMILES by PyTorch Geometrics and RDKIT, finally to
For downstream performance evaluation, we chose 7 datasets from MoleculeNet, which collected more than forty molecular property prediction tasks.
The 7 datasets were BBBP, BACE, HIV, ClinTox, Tox21, SIDER and MUV.
make the graph ready from SMILES by PyTorch Geometrics and Deepchem, finally to
python --batch_size 512 --epochs 500 --datafile in-vitro
optional arguments:
--feature_dim Feature dim for latent vector [default value is 128]
--temperature Temperature used in softmax [default value is 0.5]
--k Top k most similar images used to predict the label [default value is 200]
--batch_size Number of images in each mini-batch [default value is 512]
--epochs Number of sweeps over the dataset to train [default value is 500]
--datafile orginal data for smile input [in-vitro, now] change mask methods in def attention_del
del_indices = get_allIndex(weight, len(weight)) + count
chose max-weight or min-weight
def get_allIndex():
# max-weight descending=True or min-weight descending=False
sorted, indices = torch.sort(weight, dim=0, descending=True)
del_indices = get_randomIndex(weight,len(weight))+count
del_indices = get_rouletteIndex(weight, len(weight)) + count
python --batch_size 128 --epochs 500
optional arguments:
--model_path The pretrained model path [default value is 'results/128_0.5_200_512_500_model.pth']
--batch_size Number of images in each mini-batch [default value is 128]
--epochs Number of sweeps over the dataset to train [default value is 500]
the model was trained on Three NVIDIA GPU 3090.