A CodeIgniter ChromePhp Library wrapper.
This is a simple CodeIgniter wrapper for Chrome Logger's (http://craig.is/writing/chrome-logger) ChromePhp Library (https://github.com/ccampbell/chromephp). The purpose is to integrate Chrome Logger (ChromePhp) with CodeIgniter's Log Configuration.
Cichrome can be used to log server side CodeIgniter messages to Chrome Console, taking into consideration CodeIgniter's global Log Threshold.
This library reuqires ChromePhp Library which can be found https://github.com/ccampbell/chromephp
Add the files in your CodeIgniter libraries folder
Cichrome Library depends on the log threshold defined in application/config/config.php
0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
2 = Debug Messages
3 = Informational Messages
4 = All Messages
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;
Once you have loaded the library, you can start using it to log messages to your Chrome browser Console using ordinary log calls
$this->cichrome->log('error', 'Logging an Error message!');
// Or .. direct call without the level
$this->cichrome->error('Logging an Error message!');
// Same applies for other levels: debug, info (and warn)
$this->cichrome->log('debug', 'Logging a Debug message!');
$this->cichrome->debug('Logging a Debug message!');
$this->cichrome->log('warn', 'Logging a Warning message!');
$this->cichrome->warn('Logging a Warning message!');
$this->cichrome->log('info', 'Logging an Info message!');
$this->cichrome->info('Logging an Info message!');
Chrome Logger depends on Google Chrome Extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-logger/noaneddfkdjfnfdakjjmocngnfkfehhd Make sure it is installed and enabled on the page you are testing.