Employee Directory Server
Built using NestJS, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL.
- I choose NestJS for the server of the Employee Directory because I find it more organized than plain NodeJs.
- PostgresSQL for database (after I've done a quick revision in the weekend 😁).
- I used generatedata.com to generated mock data via a quert into my database table. (check filldatat.txt)
- React, Typescript for the UI.
- Redux for state-management.
- React-Router for client-side navigation.
- Chakra-UI as a css-framework becasues it's typed.
- Formik and Yup for form and field's validation in React.
Features Implemented
- Responsive Design for Web and Mobile.
- Pagination.
- Forms for Creating, and Editing employees.
- Some Unit-tests for Server services.
Features NOT Implemented 🙁
I wanted to commit to the ~8 hours time-frame and not exceed it for this code challenge, but I wanted to implement the following features:
- Search service for employees
- Sort Employees by Name
- MORE unit test (especially for the UI)
- Image Upload upon employee creation.