The Project is structred into a helpers module containg helpers used to load the images data from disk in numpy arrays, As for PCA, LDA and KNN they all reside in a folder named classifiers with PCA and LDA exposing the methods train and project and KNN exposing the methods train and predict, back at the root of the project alongside the helpers module there is the fisher faces module that uses both LDA and PCA to implement the fisher faces algorithm descirbed in section 2.As for the actual usage of these modules, we use three jupyter notebooks, one for testing pca named PCA, another for testing lda named LDA and a last one for testing the fisher faces with the name FisherFaces, all residing at the root of the project.
The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most successful techniques that have been used in image recognition and compression. The main objective of PCA is to reduce the large dimensionality of the data space to the smaller dimensionality of feature space, which are needed to describe the data economically. One of the simplest and most effective PCA approaches used in face recognition systems is the so called eigenface approach. This approach transforms faces into a small set of essential characteristics, eigenfaces, which are the main components of the initial set of learning images (training set). Recognition is done by projecting a new image in the eigenface subspace, after which the person is classified by comparing its position in eigenface space with the position of known individuals.
In our assignment firstly, we separated the data set into two parts, the training set and the test set. Then we used the PCA algorithm that computes the mean vectors of each dimension, normalize the data, computes the covariance matrix, eigen values and vectors. We sort the eigen values descendingly and take the corresponding eigen vectors (eigen faces) to it. We used four values for the alpha [0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95], that will change the number of dimensions of the eigen faces according to the explained variance. The higher the alpha the bigger the dimensionality. Then we project the training data and test data on our projection matrix which is the eigenface subspace, Figure 1 shows one of the eigenfaces produced by the algorithm.
Finally we used the knn classifier to determine the class labels with k = 1.
The accuracy of all values of alpha: testing accuracy (0.8) = 0.74 testing accuracy (0.85) = 0.70 testing accuracy (0.9) = 0.68 testing accuracy (0.95) = 0.63
The lower the alpha the higher the accuracy as the training data is too small and maybe if we increase the alpha it overshoots.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a method used to reduce dimensions in the aim of maximizing the between class separation and the within class variance for better classification between different classes, the method was first used to classify between 2 different classes now we are using in to classify between more than two classes.
In our Face Recognition example we are having a small set of examples
per class relative to the number of features representing each example,
this cause our within class scatter matrix S to be a low rank matrix
(the rank of Sw is at most N - c) and this results in S being
In order to solve this problem we are no heading to calculate the
Fisherfaces rather than the Eigenfaces. So now instead of using
LDA directly we will use PCA first to reduce the matrix from
The bulk of the implementation lies in the predict method (Listing 1) which relies on calculating the euclidean distances between all test and train pairs, sorting the distances ascendingly and then substituting the first k distances with the class of the points they represent and finally pick the class that has appeared the most in the first k points as the predicted class.
def predict(self, X_test):
dists = euclidean_distances(X_test, self.X_train)
sorted_idx = np.argsort(dists, axis=1)
labeled_idx = self.y_train[sorted_idx]
first_k = labeled_idx[: ,:self.k]
frequencies = np.apply_along_axis(np.bincount, 1,first_k, minlength=self.num_classes + 1)
predictions = np.argmax(frequencies, axis=1)
return predictions
To test how the accuracy of classification varies with the value of K
when using both Fisherfaces and EigenFaces.
As for Fisherfaces we plotted the accuracy for values ranging from 1 to
20 (Figure 2), since the graph didn’t seem to decerease in an
exponentially decaying fashion as in the case with PCA, so we increased
the range to make sure we get the best value of K, however after
plotting the graph it turned out the best accuracy of 77% was obtained
with k equaling 3.
For EigenFaces we plotted four graphs similar to the one plotted for
Fisherfaces, one for each value of alpha, Figure 3 shows the alpha
equaling 0.8.Here we only plotted for values of k from 1 to 7 since the
graph seemed to decrease exponentially.
How many dominant eigenvectors will you use for the LDA solution? The number of dominant eigenvectors will be equal to number of classes - 1, we are using CIFAR-10, of 10 classes, so 9 dominant eigenvectors will be used for the LDA