Reference implementation of the IHE SOLE Standard
Built using PHP v7 and the SLIM v3 framework. 100% Work in progress!
Soon, a copy of this will be hosted by the SIIM Hackathon for anyone to use with a free API key. Otherwise, you can choose to host your own copy by following the installation instructions below.
POST the JSON representation of your events to /bulk-syslog-events
. Look in the samples
directory for some sample events to play with. Example below using curl in BASH:
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8000/bulk-syslog-events \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
You will not get any content back, only HTTP response codes as explained here:
- 204 all went well!
- 400 Known error (status message to explain, e.g. malformatted JSON)
- 500 Unkown error, see
for more information.
Docker and Docker Compose required. Visit for installation instructions for your platform.
Run from base of the repository.
docker-compose run composer
Run from base of the repository.
docker-compose up
You may add a -d to run in the background.
Additional information for the headers for the POST provided in main
- Web server, e.g. Apache HTTP Server or NGINX
- Any plug-ins/dependencies necessary for your web server to execute PHP code
- Composer for PHP dependency management
- PostgreSQL Database - others (e.g. MySQL) may work, but I have not attempted to use them.
- SQL Power Architect to visualize the database schema and export database creation SQL script. The free edition is sufficient for our needs here.
- In SQL Power Architect, open
then click Tools->Forward Engineer select PostgreSQL as the type then click OK. If you are prompted about any warnings/errors click to Ignore Warnings. Copy the SQL script shown. - In your favourite PostgreSQL management tool (
, PhpPgAdmin, PgAdmin...etc), create a new database and user (defaults are ihesole for DB name, username and password). Then past and execute the SQL script from the step above. - In the project directory, run
composer install
to download all dependencies - Deploy to your web server, which could mean copying/moving the project to the web server, using a symlink or other ways.
- Using tools like curl or Postman, you should be able to use the RESTful API.
Please fork, make changes as appropriate and submit a pull request.
MIT license - see LICENSE for verbiage.