M.Sc(I.T.) 8th Sem
- Develop an app to take a TextView with some default text and change text color with three different buttons Red, Green, and Blue on button click event with linear layout.
- Develop an app showing popup menu on button and display selected menu item in a toast.
- Develop a simple calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations with table layout.
- Develop an app for passing first name and last name (using 2 edittext) from first page to second page (combined name with appropriate welcome message) using intent extra.
- Develop an application with checkboxes which display total selected items count in a textview on button click.
- Develop an application for registration of student with five fields Name, Gender, Address, City, and Phone using edittext. Use Radio button for Gender. On submit button transfer these information and display on another activity using Shared Preferences.
- Develop an application to show names of 5 Indian cities into listview using static array and on selection of particular item it should display the name of city in toast.
- Develop an application to show custom dialog.
- Develop an application using JSON data.
- SQLite CRUD opration using custom adapter.
- PHP MyAdmin Service.