ezTip is an easy-to-use mobile-first tip calculator web application written using AngularJS front-end. It is designed to provide a rich mobile experience first, then on desktops. It is designed to perform all the mathematical calculations related to generating the total bill amount after adding a user defined tip percentage. It also calculates the bill amount per person if the bill is split amongst people. The easy to use interface and live results update feature makes this app super convenient to use without the need to click around buttons to generate results.
- Tip percentage selection enabled via slider control
- Input form validation on trying to submit blank values
- Live updating results with changing input values
- Option to reset the calculations to default values
- Default suggested tip percentage set to 15% (values range from 0 to 100%)
- Bootstrap v3.3.6 for CSS
- AngularJS v1.3.20
- angularjs-slider v2.9.0
- ui-router v0.2.18