An iOS app that lets you create scheduled tasks with a priority.
Tasky is an iOS app to assist you in your day-to-day life.
You can create tasks with a deadline, or set them to repeat everyday. You can specify a category to group the tasks, and set a priority (low, medium, high).
The app will send you a notification, if you opt for it.
The app is developed using SwiftUI framework.
The app is in its early phases of development. But you can catch-up on the progress here:
- Create models for Todo items.
- Create a view to pick Due date and Reminder time for a todo item.
- Create reusable component for CollapsableContainer.
- Modify the todo item.
- Create new todo item.
- Show Tasks in Ongoing and Completed sections.
- Persist the tasks with SwiftData.
- Finish the MVP.
- Add a bit of flair to UI with animations and colors.
- Sync data across multiple iOS devices.