This app maps FASTQ reads (paired or unpaired) to a reference genome with the BWA-MEM algorithm.
This app can be used to map reads to a reference genome, which is a typical step in most bioinformatics analyses. It is suitable as a first step if you are planning on performing downstream variation calling with GATK, or any other analysis which requires mappings.
This app uses the BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool) software package. BWA includes three algorithms (BWA-backtrack, BWA-SW and BWA-MEM), but this app is specifically using the BWA-MEM algorithm.
The BWA-MEM algorithm is suitable for read lengths ranging from 70bp to 1Mbp. Compared to BWA-backtrack, it has better performance for 70-100bp Illumina reads; compared to BWA-SW, it is faster and more accurate if the reads are of high-quality.
This app requires reads files in gzipped FASTQ format (*.fastq.gz
or *.fq.gz
), such as those typically produced by Illumina
instruments. A single file is needed for unpaired reads, and two files (left and right read mates) are required for paired reads.
The app also requires a reference genome sequence index. This must be a gzipped tar archive file (*.bwa-index.tar.gz
) containing
all the sequence index files as previously output by the BWA indexer. (Indexing is an one-time operation that needs to be performed to a
reference genome sequence in order for it to be usable by BWA. If you have created your own BWA index outside of DNAnexus,
place all the index files in a gzipped tar archive and provide that as the input; if you have a reference genome sequence in FASTA
format, you can index it with the BWA FASTA Indexer app). Some pre-indexed genomes are also available as suggested inputs. See
also 'which human reference sequence should I use?' on DNAnexus Answers.
If you will be using the mappings to perform variation calling, we encourage you to provide the correct read group information,
and in particular to enter a read group sample. (The default behavior is to add a read group named after the input file, assign
the value ILLUMINA
to the read group platform, and the value 1
to the read group sample).
This app outputs the mappings, as a coordinate-sorted BAM file (*.bam
). An associated BAM index file (*.bai
) is also generated.
Within the designated output folder the bam and bai files are output within a folder /output
This app uses the BWA-MEM algorithm from the BWA software package. For general information, consult the BWA manual at:
This app performs the following steps:
- Mapping with
bwa mem
. - Conversion to BAM with
samtools view
. - Sorting with
samtools sort
. - Indexing with
samtools index