Salsa_OAI - Simple OAI data provider
version 0.004
This is a small webapp which acts as a OAI data provider based on HTTP::OAI::DataProvider and Tim Brody's HTTP::OAI. It is simply since it
* does not support all OAI features (see below) * it should be easy to maintain * easy to configure * easy to install
For a list of OAI features, see HTTP::OAI::DataProvider
Run checks if Dancer's configuration make sense, e.g. if chunking enabled, it should also have the relevant information (e.g. chunk_dir). This check should run during initial start up and throw intelligble errors if it fails, so we can fix them right there and then and do not have to test all possibilities to discover them.
Initialize the data provider with settings either from Dancer's config if classic configuration information or from callbacks.
Gets called from Dancer's routes to display html pages on Salsa_OAI
Use Dancer's debug function if available or else write to STDOUT. Register this callback during init_provider.
Use Dancer's warning function if available or pass message to perl's warn.
Reads the setLibrary from dancer's config file and returns it in form of a HTTP::OAI::ListSet object( which can, of course, include one or more HTTP::OAI::Set objects ) .
Background: setNames
and setDescriptions are not stored with OAI headers,
but instead in the setLibrary
. HTTP::OAI::DataProvider::SetLibrary associates setSpecs with setNames
and setDescriptions
locateXSL callback expects a metadataFormat prefix and will return the full path to the xsl which is responsible for this transformation. On failure: returns nothing.
Dancer or at cpan
Some ideas concerning inheritance and abstracion derived from OCLC's OAIcat.
Maurice Mengel <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Maurice Mengel.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.