This project is a sub-project under uniqush.
With gotaskqueue, a program could define several tasks and process them separately at specific time points.
The official document is here
This example creates 5 tasks. Every second, one task will be processed.
Other examples could be found under the examples
package main
import (
tq ""
// We define a struct to do the job.
type MyJob struct {
id int
ch chan bool
// Everytime the job is run, it only print its id.
// The parameter t is used to control the time of next running.
// If we only want the job run once, then just ignore the
// parameter t.
// More details about using this parameter, see:
// examples/expbackoff/expbackoff.go
func (j *MyJob) Run(t tq.TimeSetter) {
fmt.Printf("Hello, I am #%d task.\n", <- true
func main() {
stop := make(chan bool)
// Create a channel to put task
ch := make(chan tq.Task)
// Create a new task queue
q := tq.NewTaskQueue(ch)
// Run this task queue in a separate goroutine
go q.Run()
// We create 5 tasks.
// Every second, there will be one running task.
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
j := new(MyJob) = i = stop
// We need two parameters: the Runnable interface,
// and the channel communicates with task queue.
t := tq.NewCommonTask(j, ch)
// Set the running time.
// The task with id i will be run after i + 1 seconds.
t.After(int64(i) + 1)
ch <- t
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {