The chessupdriver flutter package allows you to quickly get you chessup-board connected to your Android application.
Add dependencies to pubspec.yaml
chessupdriver: ^0.0.1
include the package
import 'package:chessupdriver/chessupdriver.dart';
Connect to a connected board and listen to its events:
chessupCommunicationClient chessupCommunichessupCommunicationClient = chessupCommunicationClient(
(v) => flutterReactiveBle.writeCharacteristicWithResponse(write, value: v),
waitForAck: ackEnabled
boardBtInputStreamA = flutterReactiveBle
.listen((list) {
boardBtInputStreamB = flutterReactiveBle
.listen((list) {
// connect to board and initialize
chessupBoard nBoard = new chessupBoard();
await nBoard.init(chessupCommunichessupCommunicationClient);
print("chessupBoard connected");
To get a quick look, it is used in the follwoing project, which is not open source yet.