Teddy is a lightweight in-code doc generator for Python, based on Jinja Templates.
To install it, clone the repo and use setup.py
git clone https://github.com/monolix/teddy
cd teddy/src
python3 setup.py install
Let's make a calculator.
def add(a, b):
return float(a + b)
def sub(a, b):
return float(a - b)
def mult(a, b):
return float(a * b)
def div(a, b):
return float(a / b)
That's enough. Client will pay for other features.
Now it needs documentation. Before crying, try using Teddy.
from teddy import Teddy, Section
doc = Teddy("Calculator", "Simple maths calculator.", "Gilfoyle")
ops = Section("Operations", "Operations the calculator can do.")
@ops("Adds two numbers", returns=float)
def add(a, b):
""">>> add(5, 4)
return float(a + b)
@ops("Subtracts two numbers", returns=float)
def sub(a, b):
""">>> sub(5, 2)
return float(a - b)
@ops("Multiplies two numbers", returns=float)
def mult(a, b):
""">>> mult(7, 8)
return float(a * b)
@ops("Divides two numbers", returns=float)
def div(a, b):
""">>> div(8, 4)
return float(a / b)
After that, run da kode and look at the new generated file:
It's nicely responsive, thanks to Water CSS.
You'll always need to run the code at least once to generate the documentation.
You can use Teddy with Flask, too! Use your imagination.
Sharing is caring! If you find some bugs or if you want to change something, everything is under the MIT License, you're free to do that. Just fork the repo and pull request us.