Original from TinySafeBoot http://jtxp.org/tech/tinysafeboot_en.htm.
Modified for Attiny1634.
Development environment
- TinySafeBoot software from http://jtxp.org/tech/tinysafeboot_en.htm
- Atmel Studio 6.2
- AVR writer (e.g. USBtinyISP from adafruit)
- FreeBasic
- Ruby (for formatting hex codes)
How can I see the project working before I change anything?
- Open tsb1634.atsln and build project by Atmel Studio.
- Format hex codes. E.g. >ruby -i.bak -pe '$_.gsub!(/(.+)/,"data "\1"")' tsb1634.hex
- Replace tn1634 section of TinySafeBoot data.bas file with the formatted hex codes.
- Compile TSB software (a host side tool) with FreeBasic. E.g. >fbc tsb.bas
- Make bootloader codes (.hex file) by TSB software. E.g. >tsb tn1634 a7b0
- Enable self-programming on the target by an AVR writer. E.g. >avrdude -c usbtiny -p t1634 -U efuse:w:0xFE:m
- Write the bootloader into the target flash by an AVR writer. E.g. >avrdude -c usbtiny -p t1634 -U flash:w:tsb_tn1634_a7b0_20140619.hex
- Connect USB (or bluetooth) UART converter TX/RX to target PA7:RX/PB0:TX.
- Verify TSB connection. E.g. Reset target and >tsb com5 i
- Write App. E.g. Reset target and >tsb com5 fw MI100R6.cpp.hex