A Euclidian, free-form sequencer designed for improvisation in Max/MSP/Jitter.
This sequencer owes a lot to Ethan Hein's ideas about how to represent rythms in a circular way, as opposed to typical western notation.
I have intentionally kept a lot of musical generation (things like quantize, pitch, etc) out of the sequencer to encourage the end user to use the information from the sequencer in their own way.
###Function A sweep is generated-- like a sonar sweep -- across a circular field. Every time the sweep's theta meets the theta of a node it sends a Max list with that nodes values.
###There are 7 values for each node (in order)
- name of the node
- polar theta (φ) value of the node
- polar radius (r) of the node
- size of the node
- x
- y
- z (not really useful now, but will be later)
###Basic usage
- Double click on the screen, and a new node will be created on the surface.
- Click and drag to move a node.
- Option-Drag to change the size of a node
- Drag a node out of the largest circle to remove the node.
For Kewl Font action (and so you don't break anything) install Share Tech Mono from Google Fonts.
Requires Max 6 (I think?)
To tap into the sequencer, create a r pingseqout object anywhere in another max window.
#To Do
Decouple rendering from sequence
- the triggered notes should be on the high-priority thread, while the rendering should be on the low-priority thread in Max.
- Or, the sequence could be held in a coll object, so it is all max native calls to trigger elements
Save/Recall sequences
Chain sequences together
Tempo ratios, syncing to external clock and bars.
Single Loop function (only loop once and then stop from trigger)
Animations for triggered nodes/interactions.
Multiple layers (each with different timing ratio)
Physics and impulse for each node.
Lines/other shapes
Stand alone and Max for Live versions
Windows compatibility/compilation/testing?