MOPST allows users to run multiple scenarios quickly and easily to understand current and proposed tourism pressures and opportunities using a variety of data. It was created as part of the BioCultural Heritage Tourism Project by the University of Exeter, Geospatial Training Solutions and Devon County Council.
As well as reports on the project, we also have a ArcGIS Python Toolbox and QGIS Plugin to allow you to run the tool yourself. Both come with example data sets and instructions.
The report includes details of methods, results and discussion of findings and implications along with notes on transferability, implementation and next steps.
The project was funded by the EU Interreg France (Channel) England Programme and implemented in four UNESCO Biosphere Reserves - 2 in England, 2 in France:
North Devon Biosphere Reserve, Brighton and Lewes Downs Biosphere Reserve, Réserve de Biosphère Iles et Mer d’Iroise and Réserve de Biosphère Marais Audomarois.
Suggested citation
Wilkinson T., C. Petersen, A. Bell, N. Bearman and L. Barbier. 2021. GIS Mapping and Modelling of Tourism Pressure and Opportunities for Sustainable Tourism in four UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (UK and France): A decision-support tool to guide strategic tourism decision-making. BioCultural Heritage Tourism Project Report. Available on: