LDAP is a hirarchical data structure which allows to specify to which categories/groups does a member belong to. This is very useful e.g. in institutions, schools, universities, companies etc where a member of the firm is part of one or more units. At KULeuven VSC we use LDAP to organize/manage the users.
This Python module provides basic Python facilities to talk to the local LDAP and query the users information. We use the Python-LDAP (https://www.python-ldap.org/) connector API under the hood.
As a demonstration, to retireve the list of all KULeuven users, we do the following
# Get all active users
vsc = 'vsc'
search_string = '(&(status=active) (institute=leuven))'
with ldap_lib.ldap_conn(vsc) as lc:
res = lc.search(search_string)
n_users = len(res)
# Get all available records of a specific field
vsc_numbers = lc.get_field('uid')
login = lc.get_field('instituteLogin')
# Get a specific user info
myself = lc.get_user_info('vsc30745')
Another example is to retrieve the information for a specific user from the KULeuven LDAP, knowing the user's name
kuleuven = 'kuleuven'
search_string = '(uid=u0012345)'
with ldap_lib.ldap_conn(kuleuven) as lc:
res = lc.search(search_string)
dic = res[0][1]
for key, val in dic.iteritems(): print key, val
An instance of ldap_lib.ldap_conn()
requires specifying the target
. The target
attribute will determine to which LDAP to connect to; therefore, the following three options are available:
to query the VSC LDAP and retrieve the users informationtarget="kuleuven"
to query the public KULeuven LDAP (u-, r- and s-accounts)target="kuleuven_private"
to query the private KULeuven LDAP (which includes the above accounts, together with the b-accounts for external users)
- Python-LDAP (https://www.python-ldap.org/)