Minimalistic Buddhabrot generator using canvas and web workers.
The Buddhabrot is a map related to the Mandelbrot set. Its name reflects its similarity to classical depictions of Gautama Buddha, seated in a meditation pose with a forehead mark (tikka) and traditional topknot (ushnisha). - Source: Wikipedia
HTML5 Canvas and Web worker compatible browser. This is a hard requirement.
- Google Chrome 13+ (Tested)
- Firefox 8+ (Untested)
- IE 10 (Untested)
- Opera 11.50+ (Untested)
- Safari 5.1+ (Tested)
The interface also uses jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap but the algorithm itself does not depend on any third-party plugins.
Also worth noting the same domain policy applied by browser when resolving the worker object. This should not cause any headache if you are running the code behind a virtual host.
- Better optimization
- Improved sampling (pre-generated warm-ups)
- Improved "fittness" algorithm to merge different results generated by seperate workors
- Implement zooming (see Metropolis-Hastings)
- HSL Color slider
- ???
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Copyright (C) 2013 Marcell Jusztin - MIT License