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A REST binary signing service, capable of signing AOSP system builds and Android .APK files.


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Warden is a key sequestration and binary signing service.

Note: this code is a bit out of date. It may also be less interesting than the actual Android build signing code or the client scripts for integrating a remote signing server with the AOSP build scripts which do the heavy lifting.

Special thanks to Playground Global, LLC for open-sourcing this software. See LICENSE for details.


By running Warden on a Linux machine, you can implement robust signing policies for binaries you produce. The intention is that you install this service on a machine with extremely restricted access and minimal software footprint, so as to keep it secure. Then you generate HTTPS/TLS certificates for specific client machines -- such as your build server -- that are authorized to request signatures for binaries.

This provides the following advantages:

  • If your build server is hacked, it doesn't expose the private key you use to sign binaries
  • Allows you to move private key handling to a machine you can more easily security-harden
  • You have logs of what binaries got signed when, by which user, for auditing and forensic purposes
  • You can revoke authorization to sign binaries by simply removing the cert from the whitelist
  • Allows you to easily store private keys offline: for instance put them on a thumb drive which is only mounted when you want to use it, and stored in a safe otherwise

Additionally, though this is not currently supported, it paves the way for storing private keys in protected hardware (HSM), such as a crypto smartcard. This would require driver support for particular hardware, though.

Warden is pretty low overhead -- you could even install it on a Raspberry Pi. It is also designed to have minimal dependencies, so that it doesn't have a large security footprint.

Purpose & Deployment

Different hardware requires different signing schemes -- signing an image for secure boot on an STM32 microcontroller is very different from signing an Android .APK application file, for example. With Warden, each such signing scheme is encapsulated in a SignFunc. Warden includes implementations for a variety of common signing schemes. You can also write your own (in Go, the language Warden is written in.)

Generally you have two options: if all your signing needs are covered by Warden's preexisting library, you can simply build the default server and run it with a config file. Or, if you need a custom signing scheme, you can write your own and run it via a custom binary.

In all cases, we recommend running Warden on a hardened server with minimal software footprint, such as a "minimal server" installation of CentOS 7, or similar. The Warden source tree provides an example configuration running in a CentOS 7 image in Docker.

Note that Docker is a process management tool and not a security sandbox. Running a service in Docker does not improve your security posture; it only makes it more convenient to reproducibly install and run services. The Docker configuration for Warden is provided for convenience and illustrative purposes. It is equivalently secure to run it directly on a properly hardened server image. It is specifically not a good idea to run Warden in a Docker image on an otherwise un-hardened or shared machine: you want dedicated hardware if possible, or at least a proper VM that runs no other software.

Authorizing Signing Clients

Warden controls access to signing at two levels, based on client certificates. Clients must present a standard X509 peer certificate during the TLS connection.

As the first level, Warden is given a directory containing PEM-encoded X509 certificate files of clients that are authorized to make TLS connections. For each incoming TLS (HTTPS) request, Warden compares the client cert to its whitelist; if the client is not whitelisted, Warden simply drops the TLS connection outright, before any HTTP data is exchanged.

Once the connection is established, Warden can optionally enforce access to specific signing configurations on a per-certificate level. In the config file for a particular endpoint (see later sections), you can specify an AuthorizedKeys field. The values must be the certificate fingerprint -- that is, a hex string representation of the SHA256 hash of the full DER-encoded client certificate. For each request to an endpoint configured with AuthorizedKeys, Warden will ensure that the client certificate is in the list (ignoring case and non-hex characters like colons -- so any hex-like representation will work.)

You can obtain the appropriate fingerprint for a given client cert using openssl:

openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -noout -in public_key.pem

If a given endpoint is not configured with an AuthorizedKeys field, or that field is empty, Warden will allow any whitelisted certificate to sign using that endpoint.

Intended Usage

Small organizations or organizations with few products can simply whitelist all clients authorized to sign (such as a build server, and small number of build engineers.) But organizations that wish to have more granular control can configure Warden to restrict specific endpoints to specific clients.

For instance, you could allow any whitelisted client to sign binaries with a debug/test key, while signing with a release key is restricted to specific clients. In this way, your build server could be configured with 2 client access certificates: one without a local password that can thus be used for routine signatures (such as for continuous builds), and another for release signatures with a password-protected certificate whose password is known only to a small number of individuals.

Compatible Certificates

You can generate suitable client certificates using openssl:

openssl genrsa -out new.key 2048 # generate a 2048-bit RSA private key
openssl req -new -key new.key -out new.csr -days 3650 # generate a certificate signing request
openssl x509 -in new.csr -out new.pem -req -signkey new.key -days 3650 # self-sign the cert
rm new.csr # certificate signing request not needed once cert is generated

In addition to the above, some clients (notably, Java) require a PKCS#8 representation rather than the PKCS#1 representation openssl uses by default. You can convert a key as generated above to PKCS#8:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in new.key -out new.pk8 -outform PEM -nocrypt

You can naturally use RSA key sizes greater than 2048, or any other compatible key -- e.g. you could use an elliptic curve algorithm. Anything that works with TLS is fine.

Note that Warden intentionally does not use a certificate authority here. Warden authorizes a specific private key to have access; it does not implement any PKI chain of trust. (i.e. Warden uses certificate pinning in both directions.) The reason is that using a CA cert means that if that CA private key is compromised, it can be used to generate any number of other certs that will be trusted by the server. Since Warden is intended only for point-to-point access from specific machines, it doesn't benefit from the tradeoff that PKI makes that increases risk for improved convenience.

Whitelisting Clients

To whitelist a new client cert, make the following REST request: PUT /signers with a payload content-type of application/x-pem-file, and contents consisting of the (raw, no multipart or form data) PEM-encoded x509 certificate (i.e. public key) of the new client.

For example, this curl command will use the already-authorized existing.pem file to add new.pem to the authorization list:

curl -E existing.pem --key existing.key -k -X PUT --data-binary @new.pem -H "Content-Type: application/x-pem-file" https://${YOUR_SERVER}/signers

Important note: the curl statement above and the ones that follow do no authentication of the server certificate. This would allow an attacker to pretend to be the server and get you to upload potentially secret binary blobs to it. Such an attack could not legitimately sign these blobs and thus would be immediately obvious, but there is a possible risk of data theft this way. Accordingly, code you write -- such as a plugin for your CI software -- should inspect the server certificate to verify it has the fingerprint you expect.

If you wish to view the list of currently-authorized client certificates, you can issue an unqualified GET /signers request, which will return a concatenation of all authorized PEM files -- essentially the contents of the signers directory in configuration.

Once the HTTPS request completes, the new certificate can immediately begin using the server.

Alternatively, you can manually copy a .pem (public-key) certificate into the directory you configured Warden to use as your client whitelist. In fact, you'll naturally need to do exactly this for the first client you want to whitelist.

Revoking Clients from the Whitelist

To remove a client certificate's access, make the following REST request: DELETE /signers with a payload of the complete PEM-encoded certificate you wish to delete. The reason the full certificate is required is to prevent ambiguity: it is possible to issue a certificate with the same subject, serial number, etc. The only thing Warden cares about is essentially the public key fingerprint, but ultimately it needs the full certificate to unambiguously de-whitelist clients.

Note again that you can fetch a list of all certificates via a GET request, as above. So if you need to urgently de-whitelist a certificate that you don't have handy, you can simply fetch them from the server, identify the one you want to delete, and then issue the DELETE query.

The following command can be used to use the authority of existing.pem to de-whitelist bad.pem:

curl -E existing.pem --key existing.key -k -X DELETE --data-binary @bad.pem -H "Content-Type: application/x-pem-file" https://${YOUR_SERVER}/signers

If you need to inspect the current whitelist:

curl -E existing.pem --key existing.key -k -o all-signers.pem https://${YOUR_SERVER}/signers
# split all-signers.pem into multiple files
openssl x509 -text -in signer.pem

This will let you identify which cert PEM you need to upload to de-whitelist the client.

Once the HTTPS request completes, requests by the deleted certificate will immediately be rejected by the server.

As with adding new certificates, you can, naturally, also revoke a certificate by simply deleting the appropriate .pem file from the Warden server.

Granting and Removing Access to Specific Endpoints

The commands above manage the first layer of authentication, the TLS certificate whitelist. If you wish to make use of Warden's second layer of authorization -- the AuthorizedKeys list for each endpoint -- then you will currently need to edit the JSON configuration file.

Requesting a Signature

To request a signature, you upload the raw binary data to be signed via any HTTPS request to the endpoint you configured the SignFunc on. (See the next section for configuration details.)

For example, to request a signature of input.img for STM32 microcontrollers using an endpoint configured at /sign/STM32, you can use this command:

curl -E client.pem --key client.key -k --data-binary @input.img -o input-signed.img -s https://${YOUR_SERVER}:9000/sign/STM32

Note that the request method is ignored -- it doesn't matter which you use.

The format of the input bytes depends entirely on the signing scheme. For instance, the STM32 scheme will happily sign any opaque blob, although it does overwrite the input data at specific fields with metadata for the signing operation. On the other hand, the Android .APK app signing scheme works by generating and signing a manifest file and then repackaging the input, so the input must be a properly-formed unsigned Android app ZIP file, as generated by the Android SDK.

Logging and Auditing

Records of which client certificates sign payloads via which endpoints is recorded in the Warden log, at the Status level. Each signing scheme in the library included with Warden performs such logging; however if you add a custom signing scheme and build your own Warden binary, you'll need to ensure that it performs equivalent logging.

Warden Configuration

You configure Warden with a JSON file. Currently the format is pretty simple: there are a few fields that configure operation of the server, and then a "Handlers" block to set up instances of signing schemes.

Here is a sample configuration file from the source tree, which corresponds to the server entry hook code in src/main/warden.go:

  "Port": 9000,
  "Debug": true,
  "ServerCertFile": "./certs/sample-server.pem",
  "ServerKeyFile": "./certs/sample-server.key",
  "ServerLogFile": "",
  "SignersDir": "./signers",

  "Handlers": {
    "stm32": {
      "STM32": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "PrivateKeyPath": "./certs/sample-rsa.pem",
          "MaxFileSize": 491520
    "custom": {
      "MyCustomSetup": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "KeyPath": "/path/to/nowhere",
          "SomeSetting": 42
    "apk": {
      "someapp-debug": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "./certs/sample-debug.crt",
              "KeyPath": "./certs/sample-debug.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"
      "someapp-release": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ['00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff'],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "./certs/sample-release.crt",
              "KeyPath": "./certs/sample-release.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"

First, the general server configuration parameters:

  • Port is the TCP/IP port that Warden is to listen on.
  • Debug indicates whether to enable log debug statements in the code
  • ServerCertFile is the (public key) certificate the server should present to clients
  • ServerKeyFile is the private key corresponding to the certificate
  • ServerLogFile is the path to a file to write the log to; if it is the empty string "" Warden will log to stdout
  • SignersDir is the path to the directory containing .pem client cert files that are whitelisted

The "Handlers" block configures instances of signing scheme endpoints. In the example above, there are 6 such endpoints configured:

  • /sign/MyCustomSetup -- a no-op signer included in src/main/warden.go as an example of custom schemes
  • /sign/STM32 -- an instance of the (real, working) STM32 microcontroller image signing scheme
  • /sign/someapp-debug & /sign/someapp-release -- two (real, working) endpoints for signing Android APKs using different keys

The someapp-release endpoint is configured to restrict signing to a particular certificate, via the AuthorizedKeys field; the others have no such restriction, and any client certificate allowed to connect at all can sign binaries using those keys.

Note the hierarchy: the two Android configurations are under a "apk" entry in the "Handlers" object. This top-level entry specifies the specific SignFunc to use: the implementations in the code register themselves under these names. That is, "apk" refers to the SignFunc in src/playground/warden/signfuncs/APK.go, while "demo" refers to src/playground/warden/signfuncs/dummy.go, and so on.

Within each named block are additional configuration fields. These fields vary by signing scheme, but in general you can expect each scheme to require at least the path to a private key file -- for example, the "PrivateKeyPath" parameter to the /sign/STM32 endpoint. On the other hand, the Android APK signing scheme configuration requires additional parameters indicating algorithms for signature and digest.

Note again that you can have multiple instances of the same signing scheme, with different config options. This allows you to configure multiple endpoints that sign the same kind of binary, but using a different key. An example is the two Android .APK endpoints, one configured with your Android platform key that you use to sign core preloaded apps, and another configured with your app key that you use for apps you publish to Play Store.

In general, if your configuration file does not make reference to a particular signing scheme, it will simply be dormant code in the binary.

Building and Customizing Warden

The configuration instructions above assume that you are using the standard Warden binary compiled from src/main/warden.go, configuring endpoints only from the library of included signing schemes. However, Warden was designed to be easy to extend by adding your own signing schemes and building a custom Warden binary.

Writing Custom Signing Schemes

The API for signing schemes is extremely simple: you provide a function, and a configuration struct. Warden populates your config struct from the JSON file for you, and passes this along with the bytes to be signed to your SignFunc as a callback.

When you have written your code, you will need to register your new callback with the primary Warden loop. You do this by calling warden.SignFunc. This model mimics the http.HandleFunc idiom in the Go core libraries.

This does, however, mean you will also need to provide a customized top-level main() function that registers your callback. For an example (which is also the default configuration), see src/main/warden.go. Your custom signing scheme code can simply go in this same file; again see warden.go for an example.

Once you have written your signing scheme code and registed it via callback, you must build the code. You do this using the standard Go toolchain. For instance, this command will produce a statically-linked binary from the src/main/warden.go in the Warden tree:

GOPATH=`pwd` CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -installsuffix cgo src/main/warden.go

You can then run the binary with a configuration file:

./warden -config etc/warden.json


Here are some handy commands illustrating how to perform common operations.

Generate Client Access Certificate

To generate a new client TLS cert to use with the Warden whitelist:

openssl genrsa -out new.key 2048 # generate a 2048-bit RSA private key
openssl req -new -key new.key -out new.csr -days 3650 # generate a certificate signing request
openssl x509 -in new.csr -out new.pem -req -signkey center.key -days 3650 # self-sign the cert
rm new.csr # certificate signing request not needed once cert is generated

(This is copied from above.)

Compute Certificate Fingerprint for Use in ACL

If you have a certificate that you want to add to a level-2 ACL entry in Warden configuration, you can obtain it like this:

openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -noout -in certificate.pem

You can then copy the resulting fingerprint string into warden.json.

Extract Keys from Existing Java Keystore

If you have an existing Java keystore file containing keys you would like to use with Warden, you can extract them and convert them to PEM-encoded DER/ASN.1 x.509 certificates like this:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore current.keystore -destkeystore asdf.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -destkeypass asdfgh
openssl pkcs12 -in asdf.p12 -nokeys -out mykey.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in asdf.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out mykey.tmp
openssl rsa -in mykey.tmp -out mykey.key
rm mykey.tmp asdf.p12

The certificate will be in mykey.crt and the private key in mykey.key.

If you want the converted certificate private key to be password-protected, omit the -nodes option to the third command.

You would use this recipe if you have an existing Android Studio-generated keystore that you've previously used to sign a debug (or even release) build that you want to migrate to Warden.

Generate New Android .APK Self-Signed Signing Keys

If you want to generate new signing keys suitable for use with Android APK files, you can do so like this:

openssl genrsa -out new.key 4096 # 4096-bit RSA
openssl req -new -key new.key -out new.csr -days 10950 # 30 year expiration
openssl x509 -in new.csr -out new.pem -req -signkey center.key -days 10950
rm new.csr

You would use this recipe if you want to generate fresh Android app signing keys, such as for a production release build.

Production Android Signing Config

A typical configuration file set up to sign binaries for a single Android device will look something like this:

  "Port": 9000,
  "Debug": false,
  "ServerCertFile": "/opt/private/server/server.pem",
  "ServerKeyFile": "/opt/private/server/server.key",
  "ServerLogFile": "/opt/private/warden.log",
  "SignersDir": "/opt/private/signers",

  "Handlers": {
    "apk": {
      "playstore-app": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["99887766554433221100ffeedccbbaa99887766554433221100ffeedccbbaa"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/playstore-app/prod.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/playstore-app/prod.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"

      "model-dev-media": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/media-dev.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/media-dev.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-media": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/media-prod.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/media-prod.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"

      "model-dev-platform": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/platform-dev.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/platform-dev.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-platform": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/platform-prod.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/platform-prod.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"

      "model-dev-shared": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/shared-dev.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/shared-dev.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-shared": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/shared-prod.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/shared-prod.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"

      "model-dev-releasekey": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-dev.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-dev.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-releasekey": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKeys": [
            { "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.crt",
              "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.key",
              "Type": "RSA",
              "Hash": "SHA256"

    "android_boot": {
      "model-dev-boot": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningCert": {
            "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-dev.crt",
            "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-dev.key",
            "Type": "RSA",
            "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-boot": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningCert": {
            "CertPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.crt",
            "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.key",
            "Type": "RSA",
            "Hash": "SHA256"

    "android_verity": {
      "model-dev-verity": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKey": {
            "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-dev.key",
            "Type": "RSA",
            "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-verity": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKey": {
            "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.key",
            "Type": "RSA",
            "Hash": "SHA256"

    "android_payload": {
      "model-dev-payload": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": [],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKey": {
            "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.key",
            "Type": "RSA",
            "Hash": "SHA256"
      "model-prod-payload": {
        "AuthorizedKeys": ["00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"],
        "Config": {
          "SigningKey": {
            "KeyPath": "/opt/private/signing-keys/model/releasekey-prod.key",
            "Type": "RSA",
            "Hash": "SHA256"

Typically a given device has a dogfood period, where you push a build out via the usual OTA infrastructure to the team working on it, or possibly all company employees. If such a build leaks, it could contain bugs that would put production users at risk. The common practice, therefore, is to sign such dogfood builds as if they were production builds, but using a different key. In this way, the device-side OTA code will not be able to install a "dev" build over top a "prod" build. In the example above, you will see these pairs of "-dev-" and "-prod-" configurations throughout the file.

By the same token, because prod builds are more sensitive, you typically want to restrict access to sign those. Accordingly, all of the "-prod-" config entries in the example above specify an AuthorizedKeys whitelist. This further restricts the ability to sign using that key to that specific client, which could -- for example -- be installed on your build server but encrypted with a passphrase known only to your release engineering team. Your continuous build server or other UI would prompt for this passphrase prior to an attempt to sign; without it, the client certificate cannot be used to connect to Warden, and thus binaries cannot be signed. Meanwhile the "-dev-" configuration has no such ACL restriction, allowing a second certificate on the build server to connect to Warden automatically, and thus sign any build with the less-sensitive "dev" key.

A close reading of the example above will reveal that there are only 4 distinct pairs of keys referenced, despite there being 7 pairs of entries. The reason is that one key is used for all of "releasekey" APKs, boot partition images, verity (non-boot) partitions, and A/B OTA payload signatures. This represents a fairly typical convention on Android devices. It is, however, certainly possible to use different keys for all 7 uses, although it's likely overkill to use a separate key for A/B payload signing, verity, and boot (though it may make sense to use a separate key for "releasekeys" APKs, for a total of 5 keys.)

There are 4 different keys for signing APK files because an Android system image uses multiple keys as part of its runtime security model for privilege separation. There are 4 such standard keys, referred to by the Android build as "media", "shared", "platform", and "releasekey" (the default for APKs which don't specify any other.) Accordingly, there are 4 pairs of entries in the "apk" section. These sets of keys are used to group APKs (apps) with similar privileges together, for example to prevent security issues in the media player from compromising the critical framework processes.

Finally, note that the example also has an additional entry, "playstore-app". This would be for an APK that you upload to Google Play Store, that you don't necessarily preload (although you could also preload it.) Such APKs should not reuse any of the system keys. An example here would be a UI app controlling a home automation gadget you also produce, a data migration app, and so on. These are distinct from the core system apps, such as the low-level media player, SystemUI, phone dialer, and so on. If you desire a dev/prod split for such an app similar to the one for system images, this is easy to set up, although not depicted above.


A REST binary signing service, capable of signing AOSP system builds and Android .APK files.







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